Well-Known Member
How much were ya paying Trevor to be "prep guy" ? :rofl_200:
Dale #2592
Not sure about actual payment$ but originally Trevor was going to play a bit part in the ad as compensation until Yamaha downsized the cast. The ad originally was to go like this:
Jim gets off his bike at the end of the track meet; he's hot, tired and is limping. Some kid who is a huge Jim Rodgers fan (played by Trev) goes up to Jim and says "You need any help, Mr. Rodgers?". Jim replies, "No thanks, kid". The kid then says, "You want some of my cola?" Jim drinks it and the kid starts to walk away. Jim calls out, "Hey, kid" and throws the kid a VMF T-shirt. The kid says, "Gee thanks, Mr. Rodgers". Then they walk off together. Fade to credits...
Seemed like a decent enough idea. Oh well.