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I read all the sage comments and insight even experience yet we are back here again? Debating UFO? Really?! Exasperating to just read this post
There are arm lengths of posts both Pro and Con both old and recent. People (Vmaxers) are going to do what they wanna do no matter what. NewKlear, not picking on you Bro but hey, you can't read and comprehend the written English language? Can I ask why you ignored the information available to you concerning this company? It all went south on your transaction and now you want to vent? You sorta put yourself in this position. Did you think you would be the hopeful exception to their business philosophy? Perhaps you thought "I'm reasonable, I'm not an idiot, I won't be taken". Again, their are guys on this Forum that I respect and consider friends that are on record saying they had a good experience, that Jon spoke to them and
gave them good service. It's the giant body of evidence that speaks to the OPPOSITE of this being the norm. You need only a semblance of intelligence to realize a business is shaky seeing an unsolicited outpouring of negative experiences. Do we have to spell it out to people?! Do we need to hold your hands and walk you through this?! " DANGER, this purveyor is known to cause hurt feelings and under satisfied buying experience as noted by the Surgeon General".
Even sadder is I think UFO knows there are plenty of Lemmings out there that have a lot of discretionary income they are easily detached from. There are plenty who will assume they are beyond being manipulated and jerked around. Oh you're too smart for that. Now you are out hundreds of dollars, you have less than what you started with and now have to spend time here boohooing how it all fell to pieces on you, "no fault of your own".
Please, show me the threads how Morley ripped someone off and I'll show how Sean sent out loaner parts, and new product before he was even paid. Show me where CaptainKyle promised one thing and never came through and I'll show you ten posts how he went above and beyond in service, good parts and great prices. Tell me all the complaints for the few guys here that Powdercoat Vmax parts. I'll send you the threads where there share their knowledge, experience and pride in both their successes and failures so you don't have to. Any of which would have been happy to strip, coat and ship a swing arm back to you in a timely manner.
Again NewKlear, I'm not hammering you per se but I am lost why you posted what dozens before you posted, many worse off than you!
In the end, we all pretty much know who provides and delivers to our community in either product or service. Are you sending your carbs to UFO or DannyMax?! You buying your replacement motor from PlanetVmax or PCW?
You buying your exhaust from Morley Muscle or a DragStar?
You need a VooDoo fork brace or one with an Alien?
You need a re flashed Brainbox for yor Gen2 or do you need a smear campaign box that has no follow up service?
Do I need go on? Planet Vmax will continue to prosper through the business of those who had a good past experience, the uninformed and those too smart to be taken. You all collectively will perpetuate the "Legend".
From now on, all these type of posts are pure fodder for my entertainment.
Carry on.
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Part of the problem is there are mixed signals here. People always come to UFO's defense......the old "Well I've never had a problem". Does that really ******* matter if 100 other people have had a problem?

And you've got people who are just going to do what they want to do anyway.

Case in point here http://vmaxforum.net/showthread.php?t=33244

I was nice an didn't comment on UFO directly but told him that the LED turn signals were junk. Very expensive junk..... I know it for a fact. Even gave him a link to prove it. He never even acknowledged my post......but later implies he'll be going with UFO based on Todd's comments. :bang head::bang head:

So people will learn on their own I guess.....apparently thievery is built into the culture of that company, it has not changed.
VMAX Eddie,

I annoyed HIM? So, his payback to me for HIS not doing the right thing is to punish ME?

If that's the way he thinks, no wonder he has such a bad rap.

Exactly my point. Sounds like an attitude problem. I don't know him or had any dealing with UFO, I'm just speculating from yours and a couple other posts I've read lately. I'm actually very surprised. I thought they were one of just a few top custom shops around for the VMAX.
Not long ago I lost the Toe kick to my UFO kick stand I emailed Mike at UFO he gave me a very reasonable price and I had the part in days I ordered a fork brace Thursday I had a beautiful part in my mail box when I got home from work today thank you for the excellent service James Ware
UFO is the ma fa kin, BOMB. Mike Lees is the man. Their products are awesome and the people at the shop are great.

Master Mike Lees is the coolest. You cannot go wrong with UFO. They have been very good to me.

Highly recommend them. Give Mike a call or email for anything you need.

He helps build some of the greatest vmaxs in the world.
UFO is the ma fa kin, BOMB. Mike Lees is the man. Their products are awesome and the people at the shop are great.

Master Mike Lees is the coolest. You cannot go wrong with UFO. They have been very good to me.

Highly recommend them. Give Mike a call or email for anything you need.

He helps build some of the greatest vmaxs in the world.

Ha ha....you're a day late with this post! :)
I consider myself as lucky as a lotto winner...my deal with Jon went smooth as....but I'll never take the gamble again
When I first started to want to customize my max. I didnt really know where to start & at the time with my limited internet skills the UFO & vmax outlaws websites pop up, so I started with UFO & the first couple of transactions went smooth. Jon seemed to be a good vender, answered my calls & talked to me for awhile. Then I ordered the Mac Daddy wheel & had Jon chrome it for me. When I tried to install it. I couldn't get it on due to them chroming the hub. I called back & basically he said sorry but nothing he could do for me since I had it custom ordered & told me to try to make it work. I paid him $1200 for the wheel & $400 to chrome plus numerous other parts. I was pissed & told him I'm done doing business with him. I had to take the wheel to a machine shop to fix his mess. Then I found this forum & better venders like Sean, Captain Kyle who care. If I had done better research I could have gotten the same parts from different venders at a significant cost savings without all the cockiness, so the rest is history.
Seems like everyone who had an issue had it with Jon.

I have seen 0 issues from Mike Lees who runs the shop now.

I have had nothing but awesomeness dealing with Mike at UFO on my last several orders.

Highly recommend them.
I do believe that UFO continues to get high volume of customers because of there website. Im willing to bet once Morley's Muscle ( Sean ) gets his website squared away he will be pulling more of that volume of customers from UFO, imho
And I would say its not because I would not go to UFO. I have always had a pleasurable experience with Jon when he was alive. I haven't personally dealt with Mike yet, but have heard good things so far.

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