UFO Sightings...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Ft Bragg, NC
Just curious to see if anyone here has upgraded to one of Jon Cornell's creations over at UFO. I really like the sound and looks of the 4 into 1 Dragstar system, but I wish it was a 4 into 2. The CatSass system is 4 into 2, but I'm not into the looks. Thoughts?
I would talk to Dale Walker or Mark McDade (markspipe.com).
I would wait to see what Akropovic comes up with. July I believe
The cat sass will accept other cans, you can call jon and talk to him about it. The kick the cat is for the stock cans only. I heard Dale Walker has a 09 to use now and is making an exhaust for it.
From Jon at UFO...

"Joey, we probably won't have a full 4/2 till mid summer. I am also working on a turbo system. Thanks for the thumbs up. Jon.
Jon Cornell"

09 Turbo VMax. :worthy::drool::th_image003:
A shop already beat UFO to the punch with mega HP turbo '09's


:eek:h yeah: Wow.
Is the turbo for the gen2 or is it the one he has been working for the gen1??
A shop already beat UFO to the punch with mega HP turbo '09's


Turns out UFO hasn't been beaten just yet. I got an email back from Jack Frost at Hole Shot Racing concerning their twin turbo setup...


the kit we are developing is for my own 09Vmax, but the bike was delayed, w ewere hoping to get it before christmas and it has only just ome in form Yamaha (i think you got them earlier over there)

We are flat out with race bikes pre season now and will be back on turbo bikes in next couple of weeks.
