UFO vmax brings 30k WTF

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Good Story! I'm sure John can appreciate...

Oscar Wilde "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about"
"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public."
H. L. Mencken

Until the reserve is met and the check clears, it hasn't brought shit.

Given the look of that bike and the current price tag of at least $30,101.00, this looks more like a publicity stunt than a true auction. On that score, I guess it's working.
LOL I think the winner of the auction is sure going to get Probed by the UFO master!
Yep,some mighty fine V Maxes being built by Jon Cornell over at UFO.:biglaugh:Some lucky person is going to get a sweet bike! :cheers:


I think you have the nicest looking VMAX I have seen yet.

Red  2005  VMax      Black  2007  VMax.jpg

I think I'll keep what I have, "and" keep the spare $17,700.00 I had left over after I paid for them in the bank.

Better have a good pair of shades on to keep all that bling from blinding you.

To each his own.........

Jester 42
Just think of all the Hawaiian shirts this old fart could add to his collection with 30 K.

Why I'd be a legend............... a legend in my own mind..............

Jester 42 :punk:


  • Surfs up; grab a board...............jpg
    Surfs up; grab a board...............jpg
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Cornell definitely likes his chromed out VMaxes. He has a turbocharged drag setup 1st gen that is all chromed out as well. Cool bike for sure.

You cant buy a brand new 2nd gen and pay someone else to do all the work that has been done to this one for less than $30,000.....so why all the bashing??

Its a unique bike that is all show AND go! All chrome isnt my style, but it is for many other people out there.

I have had 2 bikes that were both ground up restorations/modified by UFO. Both were/are amazing bikes with extremely anal attention to the details. Nothing half assed, nothing overlooked.... The man builds nice bikes.

I talked to him about his chromed turbo 1st gen when I saw it on ebay previously. He told me he'd never actually sell it. It was on there for advertising purposes. He told me if it ever got a good enough bid on it, he would build a new one for the buyer.......maybe this one is just for advertising as well. :confused2:
.....so why all the bashing??


The only thing I know about Conell and UFO is what everyone says about him/them.
But I do agree...evryone sooo uptight everytime he does something....why.

How much did Jay Leno's custom Max go for......$120K.

$30k for a mild custom Hardley is nothing also...........

Just saying..............:ummm:

Don't bash me please...it was just a comment.............
The only thing I know about Conell and UFO is what everyone says about him/them.
But I do agree...evryone sooo uptight everytime he does something....why.

How much did Jay Leno's custom Max go for......$120K.

$30k for a mild custom Hardley is nothing also...........

Just saying..............:ummm:

Don't bash me please...it was just a comment.............

I agree, no bashing here.
Most guys will take a stab at anything that comes from Jon just because it has his name on it. He has some nice craftsmanship, that you cannot deny.

I just can't get over the fact the tins are chromed. That is too much for me. Like I said earlier, you can have too much of a good thing.

I'd much rather have something like this

Versus This!
I think those of us who have been around the v max community long enough know who the trust worthy vendors are and we support them by purchasing there products. Weather you have had a pos or neg dealing with UFO ,in the end its your coin spend it how you choose . If you get hosed by a vendor post it here,so others dont. As for the chrome vmax i just dont see 30k in bike and mods. JIM vmoa 3933
Mike those would cost you way more money in the long run :biglaugh:

Over the years my brother and I have purchased stuff from John and never had a problem with anything. He makes some cool stuff... another vendor I see trashed from time to time is Mad Max... again he's made some very innovative parts for the Max. His lead times for getting what you ordered is sometimes lengthy and sometimes he uses the world as his R&D test site. He's a one man band and tries to satisfy everyone... he lives Vmax. Just know that going in.

It's hard making a living at satisfying someones hobby wants. I'm sure neither John or Paul is getting rich at what they do. I wish John good luck with the sale! There's probably some wealthy ball player out there that will buy it and never ride it.

Shiny! Exhaust sounds pretty cool... but I like the Gen1 Vmax best!

Just my 2 cents

No one is denying that Jon can build a nice bike, there are many examples of that out there. Taking credit for things he didn't do (a clutch that looks remarkably like the EFM, and later have the folks at EFM say they built it for him. If you collaborate with another company, who cares, buy why try to take total credit), and his general people skills (logging on with another member's account to bash members here)are what turns people off.

Unfortunately, it seems like some of the people who buy their bikes, parts and what not from UFO, feel under fire when a UFO comment comes up and automatically go on the defense. Don't, no one is slamming you or your choice in parts. It comes down to one thing, you ride a Vmax regardless of who built it. I'm not brand loyal so I don't give a fuck what you ride, so lets ride!

Paul has been a friend of mine since the late 80's. He an his wife Elizabeth are great people. Like Gary mentioned, he's a one man show. He was doing things to the Vmax well before there was an aftermarket for it. He did some work for me on my XS11 that was top notch.

He set records back in the day on his Harley, then made the jump to the Vmax. His street legal gen1 - 8.50's in the 1/4 ain't a bad number. Looking back at that particular bike, you'll see it in different flavors. Nitrous, a supercharger, a turbo, but it's all the same bike. So you know it's his test mule. but a pretty test mule. If your ever near Waterbury, look him up. he's great to talk with. Some month or so back he gave me a call and it was like talking with a hot rodding relative. IMO the Vmax aftermarket started with him when he started popping up in the motorcycle magazines. Sure some people were doing things in their own shops, but back them if you couldn't build it, you didn't own it. He was offering his parts for sale.
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