V-boost magazine

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i have no experience with john cornell yet but this thread is spicy

everyone lies sometimes...

sure i wouldnt buy anything from him but unless you got jipped yourself i wouldnt rip on the guy..
Just ignore Bob Nobody Mrmaxx Novie I've looked over a lot of his past posts and he never has anything nice or positive to say on any of the forums unless he's trying to sell you something.

OK, Nobody now you can tell me off like you do all the rest.
So my question to the VMOA is, is Jon now a member? In the past he wasn't a member.

I know mine will be tossed if I get one... I don't think I will though...

I applaud him for his accomplishment but my question would be, how many people did he step on to get there?

Jon Cornel is a crook... No doubt in my mind and if he's not a member and he's in the V-boost I think the decision was a poor one.

Just my .02?



Jon is member #90 (thanks KJ for pointing it out), and the article in question was submitted by a different member hence it is in the magazine. As I have not had any business dealings with Jon, I have heard enough to keep me away, I cannot say anything to his practices. Also, as I do not write the Vboost, although I do get to review the pre print copy, I exercise very little editorial control.


You want my line and not the VMOA company line???? Last I checked the club was member driven and I am a member. Put aside that I am the VP and I would still feel the same way. Try to censor you, nope, ask for consideration on the part of a member for the club, YES. All I ever hear from you is a bunch of slams on other people, their bikes, and insults as to their intelligence (PS: you might want to learn grammar before you decide to call intellect into question). I have talked to you on the phone and know that you are a good guy, show it here. If you don't like the cover of the Vboost, submit a pic of you and your bike and I will put in a good word for you with the editor, providing the pic is appropriate.

As for kissing anyones ass, let alone Cronell's, you can piss off. I don't ever kiss anyone's ass nor do I plan to start. He accomplished something that hadn't been done before with a Gen 2 bike, no more no less. Who cares if he "sprayed the **** out of it" or the fact that it has been so heavily modified it isn't street legal, he still ran a sub 9 second time and that is the point of the article.

I am putting back on my VP hat so if you have anything further to say to me about this put it in a PM as this does not need to go any further in public.
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Just ignore Bob Nobody Mrmaxx Novie I've looked over a lot of his past posts and he never has anything nice or positive to say on any of the forums unless he's trying to sell you something.

OK, Nobody now you can tell me off like you do all the rest.

OK mr bbadass

Just call-um like I see-um. Unfortunately some can't take the true.

And whats your agenda?

Are you a VMOA member?

You want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

Jon is member #90 (thanks KJ for pointing it out), and the article in question was submitted by a different member hence it is in the magazine. As I have not had any business dealings with Jon, I have heard enough to keep me away, I cannot say anything to his practices. Also, as I do not write the Vboost, although I do get to review the pre print copy, I exercise very little editorial control.


You want my line and not the VMOA company line???? Last I checked the club was member driven and I am a member. Put aside that I am the VP and I would still feel the same way. Try to censor you, nope, ask for consideration on the part of a member for the club, YES. All I ever hear from you is a bunch of slams on other people, their bikes, and insults as to their intelligence (PS: you might want to learn grammar before you decide to call intellect into question). I have talked to you on the phone and know that you are a good guy, show it here. If you don't like the cover of the Vboost, submit a pic of you and your bike and I will put in a good word for you with the editor, providing the pic is appropriate.

As for kissing anyones ass, let alone Cronell's, you can piss off. I don't ever kiss anyone's ass nor do I plan to start. He accomplished something that hadn't been done before with a Gen 2 bike, no more no less. Who cares if he "sprayed the **** out of it" or the fact that it has been so heavily modified it isn't street legal, he still ran a sub 9 second time and that is the point of the article.

I am putting back on my VP hat so if you have anything further to say to me about this put it in a PM as this does not need to go any further in public.


Sorry if I hurt your feelings, I thought we were all big boys. Were I come from we can bust each others balls a little without taking it so personal.

My negative comments need to be taken "sometime" as just a little ball busting. Unfortunately it seems I am dealing with children that get upset way too easy. Anything I have said on here, I would have no problem saying directly to your face.

Crammer? are you f u c k i n g kidding me! This is a motorcycle forum the last time I looked not a English class. Maybe you should check spell check.

"intellect into question" ya I am uneducated, can't spell, can't read, can't write. But I can run a 30 million dollar company, boy America is a wonderful place.!

Do you put that VP hat on forward of backward?

Regardless of what you think, you can't tell me what to do...I just will do what I want, say what I want, when I want to and your not going to have any say in that ...ever.

You post on here to address the issues you have with me and then"tell" me to PM you? And expect me to "follow" your direction?

VP of what...

Bob Novie
VMOA #22
OK, Sorry but you must know there are more than 1 JIMs on the site,and the BLOW ME just lit my fuse! JIM

No problem Jim, I need some support on here, all the haters are out in force.

The "blow me" comment is meant to piss off the other JIM.
man it's a shame to see this going on here! the constant inter-member bashing is the main reason i am no longer a VMOA member. i was at one time the chapter leader for vermont. opinions are like ********, everybody has one. basically it really boils down to respect. say what you gotta say, but dont be malicious about it. if you've had a bad experience with a member or vendor ya let us know, but keep in mind there are also others who may have had a pleasurable tranaction as well. plus, i think the bashing keeps some people from posting info or asking question for fear of being flamed by others. my bike and this forum are my escapes from the dramas of daily life. i come here to gain the valueble knowledge of members with skills and info i dont have. i vote no more drama

regards odieoh24
man it's a shame to see this going on here! The constant inter-member bashing is the main reason i am no longer a vmoa member. I was at one time the chapter leader for vermont. Opinions are like ********, everybody has one. Basically it really boils down to respect. Say what you gotta say, but dont be malicious about it. If you've had a bad experience with a member or vendor ya let us know, but keep in mind there are also others who may have had a pleasurable tranaction as well. Plus, i think the bashing keeps some people from posting info or asking question for fear of being flamed by others. My bike and this forum are my escapes from the dramas of daily life. I come here to gain the valueble knowledge of members with skills and info i dont have. I vote no more drama

regards odieoh24

+1 enough already!!
Man i agree let the sleeping dog lye,Love or Hate Cornell this has gotten Blown way out proportion and nothing POS can come from this,no matter what is said.We are all vmaxbros in a sense we dont need to fight amongst ourselves. JIM 3933
Well since Nobody (Bob) thinks being a "big man" is posting other people's info in this thread and making threats, he is on a 10 day "vacation". I'm also closing this thread as it has run its course.
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