valve cover removal

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user 16790

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2019
Reaction score
sorry, I have tried a search but can not find a definitive answer,
what parts are needed to be removed to get the valve covers off, my manual only says how to remove them when the engine is out,
my rear cover gasket has started to leak oil so I think I'd better replace both of them, but as I have trouble with my wrist I want to know if it is in my capability with what movement I have left, or if I need to take it to a shop to get done, thank you
Before taking them off make check that it isn't one of the retaining screws that is loose.
I would only change the leaking one, the old adage 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' is appropriate here.

Easiest done with the air box off as that gets you good better access but if memory serves well the rear can be done with it in situ but it is a bit of a fiddle.

When re-assembling use some grease to keep the gasket in situ on the cam cover and make sure that the half moons are correctly positioned.
thanks, I guess I'm a bit lucky it is the rear one, I 'll just do that one :)
it seems like it is all along the rear edge but it might've just been leaking a bit longer than I realised and had seeped along the gasket 'ridge', I have noticed it mainly by the half moon on the right side of the bike but I'd have to give it a good clean and ride it for a few miles to see the exact place
it seems like it is all along the rear edge but it might've just been leaking a bit longer than I realised and had seeped along the gasket 'ridge', I have noticed it mainly by the half moon on the right side of the bike but I'd have to give it a good clean and ride it for a few miles to see the exact place
30000 mi on my Max, started leaking one more and more. Doesn't matter were. Then both started leaking. Change both, because it is pain in the butt just to reach them. There is a great instructions somewere on the forum.
I agree, I know it is best to do both but for now I'll just do the rear one
My choice was made for me. When I got my one owner Vmax in February, the first thing I noticed was that it was sludged up like the Exxon Valdez. Both front and rear had been leaking for who knows how long. The good news was that I had to take the carbs out anyway and I was replacing hoses. With everything out of the way, it isn’t too bad at all. Still having the carburetors in place simply gives you a little less wrench swinging space. Still very doable. As Max notes above, the trickiest part is to keep the gasket in place when you reinstall. Pretty much the case with any valve cover, whether car or motorcycle.

Another strong argument for doing both is that also gives you the opportunity to do valve adjustments as needed. Always a recommended verification even if not needed when you get in there.

I did both gaskets and grommets. Expensive, but I only wanted to do it once…