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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Gladstone Wairarapa , New Zealand
Being that it was a lovely day what else am i gonna do but go for a ride for a couple of hours , well i fuel up and set off with moderate traffic on the road and not many cops to be seen . I pull into a garage to grab a coffee and a guy on a 916 started going on what a heap of shit the 09 Vmax will be , i thort obviously you cant afford it then $33850NZD well it is alot of money then he started bagging my 92 model . This coming from a guy in glow in the dark racing suit maybe his parents were cousins if ya catch my drift . He said it handled like shit which i said yes they could of done better to which he replied and mine would blow it away on the straights to which i said that is a bold statement ( not that im into challenging ) . Well then he went off saying how great the ducatis are which i agreed with ( having been in italy and actually been through the factory ) thats if you like that sort of bike of course me i just wanna ride and know i can do that in a hurry if i have to .
Leaving him at the garage talking to himself or maybe he was talking to his bike - W.T.F.C. I set off and bout 10 mins later sure enough who was behind me but this yellow ducati . Right up my arse not that i cared i didnt have to prove myself or the bike , then round a corner came a straight and so was he game with no cars coming the other way and 3 cars and a truck and trailer to pass. Well i did get the jump on him and when i looked back he didnt make it past the truck .
To some it up when you are a ducati owner fuelling up and rubbishing a Vmax owner there is mastercard , but when you cant match your words or catch him on the straights - PRICELESS:punk::punk::punk::punk::punk::punk:
sweet I hope he enjoyed the humble pie you feed him. :biglaugh:

Way to go GR!! There's nothing quite like watching one of those day-glo racing suits fade to just a dot in the mirrors!!

Wonder how he'll explain the v max rubber scraps on the chest of his custom tailored, form fitted, color co-ordinated little suit. :rofl_200:
I have found that Ducati owners are a lot like german car owners they think there over priced ride is the best ever made and any other are just junk. I learned this back in 1991. here is how it went down.

I worked at a small local gas station as a oil changer and gas jockey and to collect money from the self service island. I had my GSXR loaded on the back of my pick up to go racing after work.
I walked out to the Ducati as he was filling up checking out his bike and it was kind of neat different frame design from the Jap bikes. I was complimenting the guy since it appeared to be fairly new and asked him "How much does this model cost":ummm: he replied " I dont think thats known of your buisness" Well I forgot how much he got but he paid in qaurters, so my last statement was before he was putting on his helmet was "Apparently you paid to much since you can barley afford to pay for gas"
True story, ever since than I found most but not all ducati owners are stuck up and over proud of there Italian made motorcycles.
I have found that Ducati owners are a lot like german car owners they think there over priced ride is the best ever made and any other are just junk. I learned this back in 1991. here is how it went down.

I worked at a small local gas station as a oil changer and gas jockey and to collect money from the self service island. I had my GSXR loaded on the back of my pick up to go racing after work.
I walked out to the Ducati as he was filling up checking out his bike and it was kind of neat different frame design from the Jap bikes. I was complimenting the guy since it appeared to be fairly new and asked him "How much does this model cost":ummm: he replied " I dont think thats known of your buisness" Well I forgot how much he got but he paid in qaurters, so my last statement was before he was putting on his helmet was "Apparently you paid to much since you can barley afford to pay for gas"
True story, ever since than I found most but not all ducati owners are stuck up and over proud of there Italian made motorcycles.

Nice comeback!! Wish I could come up with stuff that quick. He'd be pulling back into traffic by the time it came to me, leaving me standing there with the perfect response, and nobody to tell it to!! :bang head::biglaugh::bang head:
I would be arrogent too if I owned a Ducati. They are beautiful, well engineered machines, but a little lacking on the power compared to like Japanese models, especially the older ones. The 916s were good for around 110hp. I have found (as many on here have) that Harley riders are just as arrogent and ignorant (or even more) about their machines. Always get a grin on my face after over-killing one of those after getting the condoscending looks and the 'Harley rev' at a stoplight.
Good kill Gunrunner! The Gen1 is not dead, no sir it is definatly not dead! :thumbs up:

No the Gen 1 is not dead. A Duc 999 rolled up next to me in traffic the other day coming home. We nodded at each other, gave it a little throttle to indicate a race. Well the short of it the only time I saw him was in the mirror. By the time we got to the next light he didnt pull up next to me again.:punk:

Not bad for a 16 year old , i had to laugh today went for an hour ride after work to the coast and bout half hour into another bloody Ducati rider comin the otherway and he waved , it just made me laugh even if it did cost me some rubber :punk:

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