Vmax carby slides

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Nov 25, 2011
Reaction score
Have not had anything to do with Vmax carbs before
Had the bike sitting around for some time,cleaned out tank, fuel lines,new filter and had carbs fully cleaned and checked out.All 4 slides are free of any gum,all move freely by hand. Syncronizing the carbs is not happening as planned.On idle the only slide working is on #2 carby (front left hand). Should slides on #1 and #2 only work on idle or all 4. What could be causing slides not to function.Any help from you guys would be very much appreciated.
the slides shouldn't operate at all on idle - the open up as the revs rise. Also if your airbox isn't there or the lid is open, the bike won't rev up - too much air.

Syncing doesn't involve slides - you just button up everything, warm the motor up, connect the vacuum gauge to all 4 vacuum nipples, maybe raise the idle screw to 1500 to 2000rpm, and adjust the sync screws til all four carbs real an equal vacuum.

If you can't get it running at all to start with you may want to try a quick 'bench sync' first - airbox off, making sure looking down at the butterflies that they all close/open as near as each other as you can make it when twisting the throttle.