Vmax secrets withheld from your better half

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We have no issues with this....and 'feed' our habits as we see fit. Hers are gardening and art, mine is the bikes. :worthy:

I can relate to that. As I mentioned, we use the don't ask, don't tell policy. My wife is into painting and takes care of her paint, brushes, paper, easel, canvases, etc. She is also very interested in boots/shoes. Apparantly Uggs are here boot of choice and you need to have multiple colors and styles of these to match different outfits. Somewhere along the line, rubber boots became a fashion trend. I really don't understand this. They look like fishing boots but come in fancy colors and you buy some kind of special socks to wear with them. This seems to be the kind of stuff that makes her happy just as the bikes are what I enjoy. We really don't ask each other much about these things. I might say something like "new boots?" and she will say "yes, the were on sale". Much like I might come home with a truck load of CRF 250 parts because I wanted a rear wheel and she asks if I found the wheel I needed and I say "Yep".

Call it whatever you want. An unspoken agreement may be the word. Possibly denial....Only 11 more steps to go!
wife doesn't care as long as the bills are paid and the priorities are in order. she doesn't really ask but when she has i'll be honest. a lot of times i'll run the cost of stuff by her to see someones empathetic opinion. she won't let me sell the bike either. i thought about it earlier this year to help with buying the house and she got mad at me. legit. life is good. with the baby now theres not going to be too much being spent in the near future anyways.
I can't imagine keeping secrets from my wife. She's my best friend. Any mod work I've done on my Honda, she usually wants done on her matching one as well. She just did buy an already modded 09 GenII. We'll see if she wants me to do any addt'l mods on it.

The mod monkey has yet to bite me regarding my 85 so I've no secrets to keep from her on it anyway.
My wife always says that as long as the bills are paid, she doesn't care what I do with the rest. Problem is, there usually isn't much left after the bills are paid!!
I have to ask, I don't pay the bills or have any idea whats in the checking account, but she never says no.......
As far as my better half goes, my 13 year old son knows of every dime I put into 2fear and he can probable teach some of you how to do it. As far as the wife goes, I could care less what she thinks about my Vmax!
A Vmax was in the picture before she was (1986)
The past several years have found me actively buying and selling "sickle" parts and the deliveries to the house are not hidden or lied about. About three years ago she quit a good job to show me a lesson about my "uncontrolled" buying. Now we live paycheck to paycheck. I cut back on my spending but never stopped. Now I'm just fed up with her and ready to end a 23 year marriage not just because of this issue, but the fact she wants to do as little as possible around the house, giving up on taking care of her self, and wants me to get rid of all my toys. Why work? Why be married? Plenty of women out there that would be happy to have their own home and not have to work, not that I'm looking. Anybody ever heard of headship!
Separate accounts, just because it's easier to handle book keeping that way. We split the bills, no debt except the house and each put something into retirement so no questions ever get asked. Whatever is left over is free to be spent however, no questions get asked about it.

I will say that she did ask me about cost when the ass load of engine parts started coming in, she ain't dumb.....She knew it couldn't be cheap........I low balled it a little on that one, the true cost was not supportable except to guys like us, and I knew all she was doing was trolling for another remodel in another room, which I usually pay for since I make more. It'll get done anyway, I love her and always do what it takes to make her happy, but I want to do it on my schedule and when I'm ready to pay for it.....
This is cracking me up ... as a wife ... if I happened to be one of those bitchy kind y'all totally screwed my husband. I know all the secrets now. haha.

But for us it goes like this ... he's an over the road car hauler for Toyota Monday-Friday... so while he's gone, I'm on the net learning from you guys & picking out mods for our bikes. I'm one awesome wife needless to say. ; )

How can anyone say no to a motorcycle mod?! It's just not right.
Well, about 650 miles from home I got called this evening asking how to get into the fuel tank on mine. At first I thougtht she might have run out of gas somewhere. Then she told me she was still in the garage and wanted to know before she took it out. I got a message later one that she had decided to take hers out instead.

So I guess even though I told her how to access the tank, before tonight I had withheld THAT bit of info.
There was also the time after I put on new tires I told her they were V rated up to 149. She said "Which you wouldn't do anyway". And I said with a straight face "of course not"
I spend money on a hobby, or a passion (referring to the Max), and my wife claims equal dollars from the checking account for her hobbies, or passions...

No arguments that way.
I spend money on a hobby, or a passion (referring to the Max), and my wife claims equal dollars from the checking account for her hobbies, or passions...

No arguments that way.

sounds 'bout right. i have my 100 horses and she has her 1 :rofl_200:.
Wife & I got married in October 1979.
I'd just gotten out of college & she was finishing.
We had nothing; our total possesions fit in a car & a small pickup truck.
We lived from paycheck to paycheck for several years.
But we planned ahead; money got better with passage of time as we got better paying jobs.

We started taking a little bit for ourselves each month after all bills were paid. Over time, that amount increased & increased & increased. We did whatever we wanted too with our mad money; we still do. I have 3 bikes; if I had 10 it wouldn't make any difference to her. I'd pay for them.
Her mad money would still keep rolling into her stash.

Our personal vehicles (car/truck) are chosen by us, but NOT paid for out of our "personal" money. Neither is maintenance, taxes, insurance, etc.

There is a real opportunity for a stash to multiply quickly if you aren't a fool.

One NO NO; nothing can take up her parking space in the garage, except on an extremely temporary basis.
No sweat.

Has worked for us for nearly 32 years!

What problem"
We ain't got no stinkin' problem!

Jester 42

P.S. Her garden shed, which I had built for her, cost more than my most expensive bike. It cost her nothing.
I'm way ahead of the game...............if I see something I just gotta have.
Hey, what a great post.....pretty much describes me but you know, women do the same thing lol. My mothers advice to my soon to be ex-wife was "you don't have to tell a man everything". Anyway, I really related to the post. Great job
I usually just lie and lie and lie and she simply calls ******** on them one by one! Somehow I usually manage to get what I want in the end lol! She's never fooled by my half baked schemes and poorly concocted excuses as to why I "Need" this or that. SHe knows I'm a sick man, and luckily for me her weakness is most of the toys I love (Bikes, Guns, electronics, etc)
My wife got trained early n our marraige when i restored a 71 Challenger Convertible. She called it the mail order car. The Vmax can not hold a candle to the amount of money spent on the Challenger.
She has been through both sets of wheels and numerous other questionalble mods. Gives me the did you really need that newer one, and i say yes, that's it!!!

But she now lives 14 acres in Arkansas, we have our own business, and it all started because she did not want to work for a big corp. I owe this one to her big time!!!

The only issue, our business is new and we do not take any salarys yet so buying parts has become a conversation before i make the purchases and the purchasing has almost come to a halt.

it is always easier the second time around.
I'm not that interesting, I tell my wife everything, that way I she doesn't get cheesed off at me for purchases. Although I tell her all she is very tolerant of my hobbies. I probably prey on her relaxed personality... probably. The young feller is off at school now for a couple years so purchases of 440's and new tins will have to wait... I may spring for new rubber, I like how the Avons spin into 3rd but it seems like they have to heat up pretty good before they can go around a corner safely.
I will be doing mods this winter and i lernt along time ago that i have a vary smart wife so for the last 4 weeks i have worked my balls off and my check's have been at least $300 more each week and bill's are in great shape. Now all i need to do is work my balls off for 8 more weeks and the vmax will get its mod's. I all ready have money for clutch mod. COULD YOU INTRESS ME IN A NEW SET OF BALLS. HOW MUCH! Mine are draging the ground every satuday. Crap! How many week's will i need to work so i can get a ball and sack mod.
I try to tell her stuff, and she tries to be interested, but her eyes glaze over and she drifts off into fantasy world.

I try and tell her when I bought $400 worth of stuff for $150... chicks love that. But she's got no idea what I'm talking about.

I showed her my rearsets, and showed her how they were different from the originals, and I showed her how much they cost new. She thought that was just stupid. I told her what I paid, and she thought that was brilliant!

She knows I'm not taking the piss, and it's cheaper than a drug habit.
She also knows that the mistress get's looked after. Veronica is better than a human mistress. :rofl_200:

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