IT IS OFFICIAL... THE ROOM RATES FOR THUNDER HAVE BEEN SET!. It was a lot of back and forth and more, over the past several weeks, but my continued efforts have paid off. I've been working directly with the hotel owner to discuss and plan everything. He has agreed to the very fair rate of only $79.99 +tx per night! The rate is the same for any nights during our event, with no increase for the weekend! This is even lower than they gave us last year, which I believe was $81 for weekdays and $94 for the weekend?(av-$88). The owner is on the same page with me, and is committed to the continued success of our event. This property is hands down the best fit for our event in every way. We will have all the good stuff like we usually do, to include Fri BBQ, AND Some bike contests are back, to INCLUDE THE BURNOUTS, Swap Meet, Games, Prizes, w/Big-a** Trophies this year, and lots of Giveaways! I will work directly with the property to block the rooms that you prefer, and to ensure only our group is in the entire back building, especially the back-back. Please hang tight as we work out the best reservation process and other logistics before you can make the reservation. We will be making the reservations directly with the property, not the main reservation department, with my input to keep it organized. I think it's actually possible for the entire hotel to be be all our group! The owner is making the rate available for all rooms we want, if we can book them before other travelers do. As of now, they are not taking reservations for that time frame, so let's fill up the entire place with our group, like we were able to do just a few years ago. Don't wait and be disappointed close to event. You can book now and cancel if you have to. We will have some awesome new rides and also the old standard breakfast places etc lol... I will post the schedule about 8 wks prior to event. *Please message me with any ideas and suggestions, and also to volunteer to lead a ride or other to help out. Remember, what makes this such an awesome event, aside from all the Vmaxes of course lol, is the really great people who attend! It's ultimately up to everyone to ensure the success and longevity of our event. I will work my tail off as always, even more so this year without Mike along side me, and cram the schedule full of fun stuff and choices, but it takes all of you to make it there. Please pass along the event info and cross post. We will have at least 4-5 new people this year as of now too! I am starting to get in touch with our vendors for their generous product donations. If you have any questions, please contact me, even anything about the reservations or hotel info. We are only about 15 weeks away at this point! If there is anyone who may truly need to get a cheap room, I also have rooms blocked at another local property. But it is best that everyone stays at same place, and this property is way nicer and recently fully renovated. The regular rate at this Red Roof Inn for that time of year is $142.99 night! Room choice is either a single king bed or two queen beds. This is also a No-Fee Pet Friendly Hotel!