Well-Known Member
Ape..where in VA..if near DC am going to try and get something going in the spring
Ape..where in VA..if near DC am going to try and get something going in the spring
m, I read the Regional News for this region, and I see one event in November? That's it? And, the info is written for those that have attended every year. Nothing there would give a new member any incentive to go....that I can tell. And, the event is three months away.
Just seems sort of sad really, when you look at this site and it's technical info, starvmax.com for its work on digging up info on the new VMax. Both of those activities, in addition to working to gather Maxxers often, seem as if they would be the heart and soul activities of an owner's association.
It's all about the riders, IMHO. Want to go on more rides? Find a good core group of folks in your area, communicate with each other and enjoy as many rides as you wish. (they don't have to be all VMax-ers either, just good folks who like to ride and BS), vmaxforum.net has a map locator where you can find other riders in your area and links where you can advertise a ride you may be interested on taking or view other people's ride proposals. It helps when you have a fellow rider in your group who loves to organize stuff. But, you do not need to pay a club premium to do any of this.
Want tech info from the best? Free forums like this one, VMOAchat, and VMOAtech have members that can answer any of your questions and they help VMOA members/non-members alike.
Want discounts? Call your local vendor and offer cash...you'll save at least the tax on most items. Let them know that you are part of an online community like vmaxforum.net and they may give you a discount just because they'll want the good PR on your website...word of mouth is the best advertising, after all. I save 15% doing these very things.
If you like to be a member of a club and enjoy its specific perks then, by all means, join a club keep in mind that it doesn't have to be the only potluck in town.
Blaine Williams
Ontario, Canada
I think that's the hardest thing for club members to remember. New members have signed up since last year and they need to continue explaining the ride details fully to everyone.
I have a real issue with clubs. Not sure why, but I think it stems back to the "clicks" in high school. I look at clubs as a place for the "clicky" people to go and be themselves. That being said I did belong to the VMOA but let it expire. I'll probably jump back on when it warms up again so that I can participate in the rides and such and not feel like a heel. I belong but I never really b-e-l-o-n-g. lol
I have met more members here from my area than at the VMOA.
I just signed on to the VMOA Store and got a $5 gift cert., nothing wrong with that! Did a little browsing and bought a nice gray long sleeve logoed & lettered sweat shirt for $21 TMD. It's a Hanes Beefy T......there's a good reason to join the VMOA.....they got nice stuff at a reasonable price!
+1, I just took advantage of thier 2 shirts for $25 the other day.
A Costco or Sam's Club membership will cost about the same...get all the clothes you want and have a few bucks left to have someone silk-screen vmax logos on your gear. Alternatively you could buy some cool VMF T's from Buster. Blaine Williams Ontario, Canada
A Costco or Sam's Club membership will cost about the same...get all the clothes you want and have a few bucks left to have someone silk-screen vmax logos on your gear. Alternatively you could buy some cool VMF T's from Buster. Blaine Williams Ontario, Canada
I like the thought of supporting the VMOA. Don't really see Costco or Sam's Club doing a whole lot for the V Max community.
What huge money-making business in the world does support the VMax community? Yamaha, I guess.
Not sure about all places in Canada and the USA but the local Wal-Mart here in Oshawa employs all Canadian citizens. Some big-box store employees may be VMax riders or even VMOA members.
Now, gotta do some laundry...let's see. I've got a VMOA hat made in China, a VMOA tennis shirt made Vietnam, and a VMOA T-shirt made in Salvador...
Blaine Williams
Ontario, Canada