WarCraft Movie

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
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St. Louis
So about this WarCraft movie that's out now. I played the WarCraft RTS games as well as the MMO World of WarCraft. In fact, the lovely lady that's been in my life for the last 6 years, we met in World of WarCraft. We were fans of the game even though it's been some time since we've played it.

We just got back from seeing the movie along with my 18yr old son who never played the game, but does play other video games on the PS4. All of us really enjoyed the movie. I personally loved the movie. I enjoyed it even more than Capt. America Civil War. If you're not familiar with the game then the movie might be a miss for you. It really is a movie made for the fans. I went into the movie with reservations. The trailers never won me over and the reviews that were coming out were pretty bad. So I was expecting a stinker.

I was pleasantly surprised. This movie exceeded my expectations in so many ways. It's not often I got back to the movies to see a movie a second time, but this will be one of them.
I played WoW, main raid character was a priest and the best boss our raid group that I was in was C'thun, which we ended up killing for 10-12 weeks straight. After that I started to PVP with my hunter which I reached to #50 on the server of about 12k players, the hunter was my favorite character, so OP'd at times!!! In the end I had 3 characters a priest, hunter and mage that all made level 90, 2 level 60's warrior and druid and a few others. I was leveling up a shadow priest when I had enough, while I've been tempted to go back several times but then summer comes around and the Vmax is so much more fun!
I will wait for the video and get the DVD but it sounds interesting.
Well the movie mainly covers the times before World of WarCraft. I really consider it sort of a Orc origin story more than anything. Which I think is needed if you want to do a series of movies. Because if you don't then many people just associate Horde = bad guys. Alliance = good guys. And the enjoyable part of the world Blizzard created is that neither side is perfect. They are both flawed, but they both have qualities of good in them too. So appreciated them really making the Orcs compelling and interesting in this movie. The movie isn't perfect. It could have used another 30 minutes to an hour IMO to flesh more stories out, but I blame that on the Hollywood machine and studio pressure. The director Duncan Jones clearly respects the material and I think the movie franchise is in good hands if they give him more time.

I've been playing WoW off and on since vanilla. For vanilla and BC all I did was PvP. World PvP before the BGs got introduced. Never raided. I didn't really do raiding until Wrath of the King. That was the expansion that hooked me into their PvE. So then I just did both.

I've actually been trying out the Legion beta over the last couple of weeks and the damn game hooked me again. Bastards.

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