I finally got around to changing the oil, and replacing it with Alisyn.
We use Alisyn in our street and race bikes, and have had great success with it. I also use the Petron Plus additive, which Brock's Performance also carries. Brock swears by the Petron, having used it in his street/race bikes for years. That is good enough for me, and the dyno results speak for themselves. Like many, I was a huge skeptic...until I saw it with my own eyes, on our own bikes. I replaced the final drive oil with Alisyn as well.
I normally use <<0 wt Alisyn Synthetic Oil in my Kawasaki's, for street/track usage, as do many of the guys I know who use their sportbikes for street/track duty. Combined with the Petron additive, I have seen 3 hp difference, back-to-back, compared to Amsoil 10/40 Synthetic. When I swapped out my break-in oil on my 14R, we saw 8 hp, back-to-back. When I say back-to-back, I mean just rolling the bike off the dyno and changing the oil right there, then rolling it back on and bringing it up to temp. In the case of the V-Max, I decided to start with a thicker oil (10w30), and monitor pressure as I made the switch to lighter oils for more power. The V-Max has similar bearing type/clearances to modern sportbikes, so I am really just being conservative here. The bikes that I normally use the <<0 wt in have up to near double the hp of the trusty, Gen 1 V-Max.
Btw, I don't want to spark an oil debate, I am just detailing my experiences. I know that some of you are conservative in the oil/additive department, or prefer a thicker oil. As long as you get the oil to temp every time (easily 15 minutes of riding), it is fine. But basically, if you have thicker oil than you need, and/or more pressure than you need, you are losing hp, at minimum. That is because it takes work for the engine to pump the oil, and the pressure is measuring resistance to flow. There are also other, wear-related issues that too thick of an oil can cause...especially if you beat on the engine when it is cold. As an example of this, the world's fastest Hayabusa, at 311 mph, actually switched to a thinner oil, 0w20, when analysis showed that thicker oil, which was not reaching full temp, was causing damage to the engines. Here is more on Bill Warner's 311 mph machine:
You will see one of the vids on the page was taken by Warp12 Racing. That's us! We were there racing and watching Bill's historic accomplishment. We all held our breath as he disappeared into the distance, trying to become the first to exceed 300 mph on a non-streamliner motorcycle.
Back to the oil, most of you have probably seen this, but if not, it is a good read:
I typically get my oil and Petron additive from Brock's Performance:
They have a variety of Alisyn oils, for those who prefer thicker oils, have modified engines, or perhaps have extreme climate conditions.
I actually ordered the oil for the final drive directly from Alisyn:
Anyway, whew, a lot of explanation for a simple oil change. But, oil is a touchy subject, and I wanted to clarify my reasoning. At the end of the day, there are a lot of decent oils out there, but this is what we use.