Cool project, looks like you're making great progress on it.
Sean sells adapter brackets to use hayabusa calipers, which will take care of the wooden feeling stock brakes. If you plan to race in the future I'd definitely want to upgrade the binders.
Your "lazy" speedometer is likely just a cable that needs to be lubed. Unscrew it from the back of the speedo and squirt some wd40 or similar down it, should take care of it.
Yes, I will be doing something like that with the brakes. It kind of depends on if I wind up with an USD fork or not, as to whether I upgrade existing. I think I will lube the speedo cable this weekend, thanks. It kind of threw me for a loop because it was actually showing 15 mph when I was at rest, at one point!
The Tyga carbon fiber arrived today:
Overall excellent quality, and only three business days to arrive from Thailand (UPS)!
Total weight, for all three pieces: 1 lb 15.4 oz bare
Total weight of stock pieces: 6 lbs 2.6 oz with hardware
Once I switch the hardware over it should be right at 3.5 lbs of weight savings. The scoops weigh less than 6 oz each! I won't be mounting these parts yet, they will wait until I choose a paint/painter. On my race bikes I just use Krylon, but I would like something nicer for this one.

I am also considering some other aftermarket body pieces.
I use a food scale to weigh small parts. I have larger, shipping-type scales for objects over 10 lbs. These are my results so far:
Stock Parts
Left Scoop 1 lb 6.9 oz
Right Scoop 1 lb 5.9 oz
"Faux" cover 3 lbs 4.8 oz
Battery 11.5 lbs
Toolkit 2 lbs 4.2 oz
Aftermarket Parts
Tyga CF Left Scoop (bare) 5.5 oz
Tyga CF Right Scoop (bare) 5.2 oz
Tyga "Faux" cover (bare) 1 lb 4.7 oz
Speedcell battery 1lb 7.3 oz
That puts me over 15.5 lbs of weight loss so far. I can't afford the really big ticket items right now, but I am doing my homework on where to cut the weight, and removing the easy stuff for now. Soon I will look at mirrors, footpegs, centerstand, and turn signals....among other things!