We should be held accountable?

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Somebody needs to be held accountable!Yes they do IT"S HER!She got the having kids thing down,Should have stopped about 2! Ieresponsible! She new it while she was having them!Sorry for the kids.What a mom! What a role model!How do you think the kids will turn out?O boy!
I'm not so naive that I don't realize this mentality exists out there in this country but Dang! I still have a hard time hearing those kinds of thoughts coming out of a humans mouth and know with every fiber of my body, they honestly believe the **** that comes out of their mouths. How many of these families will it take to bankrupt an entire city or counties Human Services or Children's Services Department? So all who have jobs or pay taxes pay for her housing, furniture, health care for her and the 15 kids, her utilities, clothing, food stamps and lets not forget the incarcerated fianc? that gets all this in jail too. Do you suppose the government will ever see tax dollar one from this person other than the tax she pays on her cigarettes and liquor.
We're the greatest country in the world and this proves it !
She makes Octomom look respectable.
You can't blame Obama for this. It has taken decades to create this cultural ideology and the development of that degree of entitlement. Sad commentary there folks. Perhaps current social policy just perpetuates it though.
:rofl_200: Sorry but I truly wonder what planet some people come from!
Planet? I have news for you, there are MILLIONS here, in the USA. How many weeks, months, years will you work for free to pay for this???

How many years will your children have to work without pay to support this?
Did she bring in all the kids from the projects to make that video? They only think he is the father of 10. That should change any Republican's opinion on abortion.
We have the same problems here...I also dont like this.
I dare to say if I would have a choice I would dont give a damm about what will
happen with these poeple...
This all began with LBJ and his Great Society and War On Poverty,,and he was the first to raid the SS Trust Fund for his "Guns And Butter".

As to the abortion comment, this lady wants kids for the money, she could have had an abortion free had she wanted it,,,BTW, Abortion is an evil deed, and I am against it.

One word sums it up...... Neuter. No job or even a thought of getting one, and all she can do is keep humpin' like a rabbit!
And just think: One(1) aspirin is all it would have taken to prevent all those kids from happening. Yes - ONE FRICKEN ASPIRIN! If she'd just sit down and place that one tiny aspirin firmly between her knees and squeeze it there. Keep it squeezed there forever and she wouldn't have any of these 'problems' running amok.

I don't have any sympathy for these morons either. Pizzes me off.
Just you wait until those 15 kids grow up and adopt the same lifestyle as the mom.

"And she told two friends and so on and so on and so on......."
Did she bring in all the kids from the projects to make that video? They only think he is the father of 10. That should change any Republican's opinion on abortion.
Just kill the kids, huh? The kids being born is not the problem, it is the goverment programs that keep recycling/ multiplying these problems. The grand plan of the liberals at work, "keep 'em dependant"!:bang head:
Just kill the kids, huh? The kids being born is not the problem, it is the goverment programs that keep recycling/ multiplying these problems. The grand plan of the liberals at work, "keep 'em dependant"!:bang head:

+1000 You took the words right out of my mouth:bang head:
Well the problem of baby factories like her are everywhere. After one parent has two children and has no means to support their spawn, then that's where they get a nurturing and that will break that cycle. I do believe the gene pool needs some bleach tossed in it.
My best friend has her daughter nurtured after the first grand baby because she knew that she was going to turn into a baby factory and she was not raised that was either.
After my wife pregnant with our third child, I went and had myself nurtured. I knew that we where not going to be able to afford any more children and I did not want to take the chance of having another child that I could not afford to support. I do not live off the system to support my family, I have needed help from time to time and after I got sick a few years ago life has been a lot harder and spending habits had to change according to cash on hand.