Well-Known Member
Anyone from here? Just got a bombshell that our company is moving there.
You'd think so, but he's actually closer to Johnstown where he lives now in MD.Well, if you do relocate you will be closer to the Thunder in the valley event!............:biglaugh:.............Tom.
If you support the 2nd Amendment( Love guns) you will love being in PA after dealing with the MD gun laws.....:bang head:
Pa. Is on the good side of that from what I hear.
PA is on the good side. It is a "Shall Issue" state and a LTCF (PA's version of a concealed carry license) is fairly easy to get.
As far as West Chester goes, I am not a fan of that entire area, however there are a number of very nice places to live that are within driving distance to West Chester.
Maryland or Pennsylvania, I would take PA every day and twice on Sunday.
BTW: What company is moving from MD to PA?
I worked in Ephrata and drove home on weekends back to Pgh every weekend until I couldn't stand the SMELL anymore! CHICKENSHIT! They use it for fertilizer for crops and you NEVER get used to it. There's NOTHING to do there and if you do ride in that area just watch out for horseshit on the roads. Too many Amish buggies and bicycles for me. And that 3 hr trip(250miles) each way got old but there was no way I was moving the family to that god forsaken ********. I don't care how much they paid. Oh yea, the icing on the cake was we agreed to an hourly wage then payday I had to chase the boss down for him to pay outta pocket the difference they promised me which was $5 per hr more than payroll was aware of. Yea, next time I move it's somewhere that has things to do and nice weather something Ephrata has neither of.