I was reading a post and one person had J.C. in a crown royal velvet bag.
My good luck for a safe ride is. I have an angel that rides with me, she is pinned to the rubber heat cover by the radiator cap.
Do you have anything that is on your bike or rides with you to make sure you arive alive and get home safely
Originally Posted by
The only thing I carry for luck is a clear sharp mind.
If I don't feel that way I don't ride.
Luck has nothing to do with it but you do make your own odds.
This is true but this post wasnt about our beliefs. Thank you for your input though
WTF? Who are you the thought police?
The thread is titled “
What are your good luck therories" (?) (sic)
Now it seems your theory of luck, which you have a perfect right to believe, is that ‘lucky’ objects afford you some favourable influence over the odds of good or bad things happening to you while riding. I have no problem with that. If magical thinking gives you comfort, go for it.
But where do you get off, blowing me off with a trite line like “this post wasnt about our beliefs.”?
This thread is in fact ALL about beliefs.
My theory of ‘good luck’ is that luck is an outcome, which I can influence with my actions and thoughts. Good luck is a matter of swinging the odds in your favour so that the outcome is favourable. Bad luck is a matter of (you or someone else) slacking off and screwing something up so that the outcome is unfavourable. Good and bad outcomes can both be influenced by an uncontrollable event exerting an influence. In this case you can try to embrace it or try to avoid it so as to influence the odds in your favour.
There are valid ways to influence probable outcomes i.e adjust the odds while riding.
The rider is the key determinant of probable good or bad things happening while riding. That goes from how you prepare and maintain your bike before you ride, to your mental attitude while riding & physical preparation for riding, like practice.
This is a deterministic view of the world that I have good reason to BELIEVE, based on the evidence I can assess.
So to answer your question again...
“Do you have anything that is on your bike or rides with you to make sure you arrive alive and get home safely(?)
Yes. Absolutely. I carry a clear sharp mind in a Shoei helmet and if I can’t get that in the helmet I won’t ride.
Now, if this thread is supposed to be about
“Who carries a lucky charm when they ride?” then say so.
Oh. I nearly forgot my manners.
"Thank you for your input though."
Ahh.... That feels better.