what bikes have yall beat?

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I've beaten a couple Vrods, a Ducati monster, and a few sportbikes that should have beat me but I think my experience was the deciding factor with those
Couple years back we were deciding which bar to go to next and the guy with the tricked out H.D. Dyna Screaming Eagle was chiding me a bit about how fast that jap cruiser was . His was the fastest H.D. of the group of about 6 H.D.s & me hanging out together. I told him to let his loose on the uphill on- ramp to I-20 East and hold it as long as he wanted. I gave him about 5 lengths head start in second gear before dropping the hammer on the blue '90 cruiser . Took me about 6 seconds to drop him . Went by him at about 135 and he was a speck in the mirror in about another 10 seconds. Met up at the next bar and he has a big grin on his face. " How much did you say that max cost you to make it run that way ? " I think he had about $ 32 K in his with extra chrome, wheels , etc. At the time I hadn't had it very long & only had stage 7 and a kerker 4-1 pipe that came with the purchase price of $ 5 K . I could see his head spinning with the thought of having a second bike for playing around , a jap cruiser . :rofl_200:
does it seem to be that harley guys take it the worst?


losing that is.

HAHAHAHA That is so true!! I was at a club meeting and one of the Presidents from another chapter took a huge dislike to my Max because he thinks the "Hot Rod" bikes are not sensible! I offer to give him a half a mile on any bike in his club at bet 100 bucks I would pass him before he saw the 2nd mile marker..He laughed and walked away.:confused2:
Couple years back we were deciding which bar to go to next and the guy with the tricked out H.D. Dyna Screaming Eagle was chiding me a bit about how fast that jap cruiser was . His was the fastest H.D. of the group of about 6 H.D.s & me hanging out together. I told him to let his loose on the uphill on- ramp to I-20 East and hold it as long as he wanted. I gave him about 5 lengths head start in second gear before dropping the hammer on the blue '90 cruiser . Took me about 6 seconds to drop him . Went by him at about 135 and he was a speck in the mirror in about another 10 seconds. Met up at the next bar and he has a big grin on his face. " How much did you say that max cost you to make it run that way ? " I think he had about $ 32 K in his with extra chrome, wheels , etc. At the time I hadn't had it very long & only had stage 7 and a kerker 4-1 pipe that came with the purchase price of $ 5 K . I could see his head spinning with the thought of having a second bike for playing around , a jap cruiser . :rofl_200:
Nothing like smoking a "Jap Killer Harley". One that bought all kinds of stuff that won't help an engine that tachs at 5k. Then telling the horrified owner your engine is stock.
Laid down a spanking on my buddy's Sportster... He got the jump on me because my clutch control sucked (damned winter gloves), but by second gear I flew by him like a bat outta hell... At the end of our ride he says "that's a pretty fast bike you got there" :rofl_200: Also, had a GTI want to race. We were cruising around 70 mph, he pulled up next to me and maintained speed. Then he took off (again, someone got the jump on me, but this time it's because I didn't even know we were racing). I held my front wheel to his back wheel through the entire 70 - 120mph race, but I let off figuring if there were any cops nearby they'd take him instead. Maybe next time I'll meet him at a dead stop. :clapping:
I added a ST1300 and a BMW 1200RT to my list both owners are friends of mine they were impressed with the take off power of the V-Max..:worthy::worthy:

I have a hard time when I hit 2nd gear though, The rear tire has a tendency to break loose when I nail it causing traction loss.:confused2: The tires are new Metzlers
I beat a guy on a newer 1200 Sportster a couple of weeks back. It was just a sprint to a merge of two lanes, and after I cleaned his clock, he passed across the double yellow, flipping me off. Total tool, like most Hardly riders-especially Sportster riders, since even other Hardly riders think of them as *******.

I've backed off on the generalization of Harley riders. Because, you'd be surprised who owns a Harley on THIS site. Some of the people that volunteer to keep this site up and running to start with. There are others too, that would give you the shirt off their back, and contribute positive and very helpful post here. Why would I want to offend my friends?
That said, the first v-rods can't survive a roll on with my 89. I haven't had the pleasure yet of the newer vrod. The m-109 gave up quickly. I trick my brother a lot on his BMW, which is a rocket, 160hp at the rear wheel. I get him at about 30 mph and nail the throttle when he's not paying attention, then back off at 100 and let him blast by all pissed off. I do it to him often, it's a blast. Older and devious beats young and faster sometimes. I did a roll on riding a PCW big bore Vmax against my own bike. That was painful, but fun. The rest of my riding is pretty conservative.

A sprint ST 955, pulled him about 3 lenghts out of the hole and maintained that lead to about 120. He was pretty happy his bike was that close.
An 106" ss in a Titon. this was not even close. Both these were friends. Lost to my buddies FJR everytime. Lined up with the FJR, FZ1, and a R1, at the 149 light in Tomball. The vmax pulled all from he line at about 30 the FJR starts pulling past me, at about 70 the R1 flew buy us both at what must have been 100. It looked like we were sitting still. The FZ1 must have had wheelie issues. My buddy Sam and I traded bikes a couple of years ago in Bandera on a hill country rally. He let me ride his VTX1300, man i had a hole new respect for Sam's riding ability, nothing easy about that bike. As I looked ahead, Sam on the max, he was living in the left lane passing cars at will, this was truely a reformed rider. Later he commented, now he knew it was the bike and not my riding skills. With in weeks Sam bought a k1200s 160 hp bmw's. I still beat him the frist couple of races and then he found WOT. That was it, the vmax was dusted.
I absolutely DESTROYED a Cushman scooter yesterday!! Of course, it was an elderly pre-war model, smoking and dripping lots of oil. Think if he'd had it tuned a little better it may have been a different story but....a kill's a kill....right? :punk:
A sprint ST 955, pulled him about 3 lenghts out of the hole and maintained that lead to about 120. He was pretty happy his bike was that close.
An 106" ss in a Titon. this was not even close. Both these were friends. Lost to my buddies FJR everytime. Lined up with the FJR, FZ1, and a R1, at the 149 light in Tomball. The vmax pulled all from he line at about 30 the FJR starts pulling past me, at about 70 the R1 flew buy us both at what must have been 100. It looked like we were sitting still. The FZ1 must have had wheelie issues. My buddy Sam and I traded bikes a couple of years ago in Bandera on a hill country rally. He let me ride his VTX1300, man i had a hole new respect for Sam's riding ability, nothing easy about that bike. As I looked ahead, Sam on the max, he was living in the left lane passing cars at will, this was truely a reformed rider. Later he commented, now he knew it was the bike and not my riding skills. With in weeks Sam bought a k1200s 160 hp bmw's. I still beat him the frist couple of races and then he found WOT. That was it, the vmax was dusted.

I never ran my FJR with a Max (or anything else actually) but it always seemed to me to be quicker....this confirms that. The FJ is a little heavier so it makes sense it might not launch as well as the Max but it's got some wicked acceleration from 25 all the way to when you start hearing the harps!!
I absolutely DESTROYED a Cushman scooter yesterday!! Of course, it was an elderly pre-war model, smoking and dripping lots of oil. Think if he'd had it tuned a little better it may have been a different story but....a kill's a kill....right? :punk:

that was you going by in a flash of light :ummm: :punk: