Well-Known Member
They look nice but can you reshape them ??
I love double posts, that way, you can catch what you may have missed in the first one LOL>:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:Installed new shocks. Progressive 412's Stock shock was leaking and $500++ + for the 440's is too rich for my wallet having just bought a new 75 gal water heater and a Great Dane puppy :eusa_dance:
took out the main jets and took pics of them to send to Sean.
I`m still waiting for my two days:th_tongue:
that sucks pickles!
i brought my rear hub spline to have the steel sleeves that fit in the rubber dampers to be tacked to the pins of the actual drive spline. they keep coming off and rolling around. only have 5 of them, not sure wha thappened to the 6th, but they guy said hes gonna try to do something for me. if not, 5 is close enough.
i also dropped my mains to 160's. hopefully that will help. couldn't test it tho (see above), but the carbs are on and all sync'd....
from looking at the bike until i was done cleaning my tools up was 1 hr 10 minutes to change the mains. not bad considering it took me like 6 hrs last weekend.
also gonna start a new thread, but my screws that tighten all teh clamps are starting to get boogered. wonder if anyone has ever replaced with allenheads.
Hey Garret
I know Mark does it and every single phillips on my carbs have been replaced with allen heads.:biglaugh:
Yeah I know what you mean,Sorry man.... 3 days a week I'm dropping off and picking up kids, the other 2 days are subject to nice weather as I don't need to ride in the rain so I don't. Besides, cleaning it is a bitch after getting into the wet stuff.
yea clamps are next. looks like their 4mm x .8mm x 25/30 mm
just trying to confirm thats on all 12 connections (2x per carb/manifold boot - 1x per airbox boot). also curious, there is a little brass spacer in there, so i need to figure out hwo to make sure that doesn't fall all over the place., esp if i try to get them in there w/out taking the carbs off... ugh.. more to do.
4mm x .8 ?? You sure? That is not a "typical" size. I can help with 4mm x.7 x 30mm long. It only has 20mm of thread tho, not threaded the entire length of shaft. I'm sure that would be OK tho since the spacers go on anyway. PM me if interested.
They can be had in either regular or button head hex. Button head is 2x the amount tho. And not what should be used in this application IMO. Both are A2 stainless
serviced my front brake light switch so it works like new again.
Thought about riding but still to hungover from last night..
Left it in the garage....
Too F^%*^*&%^% hot to ride.....:damn angry: