Biker Dash
Well-Known Member
Friggin rain... ******* WEATHERMEN LIED TO ME!
I would be surprised if it was the beads. I've run mine for almost 2 years....and been to over 140.Went for a ride and experienced the worst, scariest wobble ever slowing down from 90 mph. Im pretty certain part of it is having stock forks and progressive shocks, but im starting to think im gonna be replacing some bearings. I do have brand new (less than 350 miles) radials and ive done the bounce test on the forks to check the head bearings, the pivots for the swingarm are set per the manual and the wheel bearings have as many milea as the tires. Unless maybe the dyna beads are causing it...
Put another 300+ miles on Woona today. While in New Hampshire, had a V-Max pass me while on the interstate. Damn fine looking machine! Caught up to it to take a closer look. Kinda looked familiar, like I've seen it here on the forums.
So after a check of everything, ive come to the conclusion that my stock forks are the cause of my wooble cuz everything else is good. I think the switch to radials made it more pronounced since theyre stiffer than the bias plys. Guess ill be doing the springs this winter.