What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

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Rode my new (to me) 02 Vmax for the first time.
My friend bought it down in his van as he is going racing. I rode it 2hrs home. I was good cause my wife was driving behind me!

I love the Over mufflers. It has Hagon Nitro shocks and progressive front springs.
It isnt cosmetically perfect but Im over worrying about that. Ill polish some alloy - good excuse to buy a bench grinder and corded drill. I have the mops and tripoli bar already.
The left fork seal is leaking (lots - onto the caliper) so I need to do that.
It has a vboost controller set to open at 3k. There wasnt the kick in the pant I was expecting but it is very strong everywhere. Ill change it to 6k as see what I prefer.

Anyway, I have a Vmax finally.

Swapped the handlebars to a set of Sean's black superbike bars, and also changed the brake strut bar to a billet one, to give me some more room on the right side (also from Sean).

After seeing your Max with the red Carrozzeria's, I want to buy another Max just to have some red Carro's.

Looking at pics on this site is definitely not healthy for the wallet!
Rode my new (to me) 02 Vmax for the first time.
My friend bought it down in his van as he is going racing. I rode it 2hrs home. I was good cause my wife was driving behind me!

I love the Over mufflers. It has Hagon Nitro shocks and progressive front springs.
It isnt cosmetically perfect but Im over worrying about that. Ill polish some alloy - good excuse to buy a bench grinder and corded drill. I have the mops and tripoli bar already.
The left fork seal is leaking (lots - onto the caliper) so I need to do that.
It has a vboost controller set to open at 3k. There wasnt the kick in the pant I was expecting but it is very strong everywhere. Ill change it to 6k as see what I prefer.

Anyway, I have a Vmax finally.

Congrats! Since you have a 2002, you obviously have impeccable taste!

Stopped over to my friend Tim Wnek, who owns Motion Craft in East Aurora, NY. He offered to replace the fork bearings, tires and brake pads for $225.00. That's labor only, as I have all the parts.

I usually do my own work, but at that price, it's a no brainier to me....
65 degrees out here, and sunny! I decided to have Tim do the work, so I took Godzilla off the battery tender, poured in a couple gallons of gas and pushed the start button. As usual, it fired up immediately, and after a minute, idled perfectly.. 14.2volt charge. I rode it to the gas station to fill it full, and found that those shocks Kyle sold me work great! Off to the shop to get the work done.
Installed new clutch parts from Sean Morley. New OEM frictions, blasted steels, converted inner 1/2 friction to a full, Heavy-duty clutch spring, and new OEM gasket. Good news - now the clutch is not slipping when VBoost kicks in. Bad news - harder to hang on when VBoost kicks in !!!!
Installed new clutch parts from Sean Morley. New OEM frictions, blasted steels, converted inner 1/2 friction to a full, Heavy-duty clutch spring, and new OEM gasket. Good news - now the clutch is not slipping when VBoost kicks in. Bad news - harder to hang on when VBoost kicks in !!!!

This is bad news? :biglaugh: Nice mod for the Vmax!
Well I didn't do much but I installed the Givi A123 wind screen on Maxine today. I like it! We'll see how well it works when I ride it next.

Just got home from delivering the Vmax to its new owner. Got my $2,850 asking price, plus $50 for delivering it to him in Brownsville (30 miles). Got to ride it one last time, and my wife and I had our supper paid for! Probably still lurk around here a while. Gave the new owner the web address, told he this is a must-have site for all things Vmax. A wealth of info freely and gladly shared here! Probably help him get his feet wet on repairing and maintaining his own bike.
Put a deposit down on a 2015! Should pick it up on Saturday and take it on a long shake down trip. Can't wait!
Second time running out of gas I decided to finally investigate the issue. First time I had 85 miles on the odometer and had to push it to a station. Yesterday the tank was bone dry at 66 miles on the clock. Luckily, a guy stopped and had a gas can with him. When I got the bike in June 2015 the reserve system worked as it should - the light would come on and I would flip the switch from ON to Reserve. Bike would run fine and get me to the station.

The red fuel light bulb still illuminates during the starter button press, but never goes on when low on fuel. So after the first time pushing the bike, I just began filling up at 75-80 miles. Musta been on the Vboost more this time around...

Checked the forum boards here and decided it was probably the fuel sending unit. Read the manual and the test is to measure resistance across the two pins.
The test is really simple as the two-wire connector is right under the seat on the right side. There should be 0.9 +/- 0.2 Kilo-Ohms at 68 degrees F.
I have infinite resistance at all ranges for Ohms. So, a bad sender, which most of the posts here reference.
There is a used sending unit on eBay for $20 plus $15 shipping.
Decided to check my mixture screws due to low mileage, gas smell while in the garage and black coating on the mufflers. But it does run just fine. The bike has a full Dale Walker system, K/N single filter and shimmed “Y” on the airbox. Jet sizes are unknown for now. (I'm third owner)

Carb sync was done a few months ago, but will need to be redone again. The screws were way more that 2.5 turns out, a couple maybe twice that. I was going to set them all at 2.5 turns, but after reading a post here on carb tuning, I liked the idea of lowering the idle near stall RPM and adjusting each mixture screw until midpoint between rich and lean. Much easier to determine the mixture screw’s effect on the engine at the lower RPM. I have not done a final count on the number of turns yet. (don't really see a need for it) I may check those before the sync this weekend.
There are a few 65-70 deg days in the forecast and my driveway is completely thawed so I pulled her out of hibernation.

I'll install the horn and change the juices and we should be good to go.


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She looks good and I bet you are ready to get out on the road. More than 3 or 4 days and I get the itch bad to ride. I pulled the trigger on a set of Billetbikebits forward controls today. Read everything I coud on forward controls for the vmax and these seemed to be the ones to get. I hope I like them.
She looks good and I bet you are ready to get out on the road. More than 3 or 4 days and I get the itch bad to ride. I pulled the trigger on a set of Billetbikebits forward controls today. Read everything I coud on forward controls for the vmax and these seemed to be the ones to get. I hope I like them.

I think even if you dont like the setup it should be resealable here. Next step is a suicide shifter for that real OG flare :clapping:

It was cool and sunny today, took my first ride of the season. I cant believe she fired up so easy, no shotgun or anything. Hit the button and she barked to life, cracked the throttle a couple times to clear her throat and she was just as smooth and snappy as when I put her away last year. Pure gasoline and Seafoam iz da ****!

Make sure to throw a review of the forward controls up.
I have been wanting to replace the taillight, but haven't seen one I really liked. SoI didn't replace it , I modified it. I marked back 1" all around the lens. Then cut it off, sanded the edges, wrapped the edges with rubber tape to seal it and called it done.


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