What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

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Wanted to take Woona out for a spin this afternoon... kinda glad I waited for the evening, cause this is what it was like outside my house this afternoon
This was taken after the storm passed. The guy in the Nike shirt is my roommate, and he is the same size as me, to get an idea of how bad the rain got
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Ran the fuel lines for my tour-tank and tested my rizoma turn signals. Just gotta extend some wires to complete that part.
I got my front brakes finished. Drilled the left caliper pin just under the thread size, and an easy out did the trick. The other side was more cooperative. Never seize on the threads this time. Nissin calipers.
New metzler me880. 180/55/18. Mint. Mclovin the thick tread again.
Z8 up front still ok.
you have a sissy bar on the back? I worried about my kids too much not to have one if there might be a family member back there...

Oh my god yes I have a backrest
I wouldn't have taken her without one
Plus she had on her elbow pads and knee pads and all her other protective gear

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Oh my god yes I have a backrest
I wouldn't have taken her without one
Plus she had on her elbow pads and knee pads and all her other protective gear
View attachment 49339

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I have stopped given the kids/ now adults rides.. most of the time they don't want to put on the PPE too hot and humid here.. My virago had one, so did my max. It sits in the shed until my wife stops being afraid to ride with me.. Which won't happen, she hasn't ridden on it since 08...lol and I drove like a old lady...
Got my Racetech springs, emulators and SKF fork seals installed. Set race sag. Can't wait to try it out.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432970871.066267.jpg

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Got the brackets this morning that I needed to get the windshield mounted...

Problem rears its ugly head. One of my mounting rods is missing... DAMMIT! Cannot find the damn thing anywhere. I end up going to Starting line, and place one on order.

OK... now, at least I can do is try to get **** all lined up. I have enough rods to do that. Start doing so...

Got the brackets mounted


come on you ******... line the **** up...

And nothing will align no matter how I position things....

********* TO FUC-
Due to the sensitive nature of the internet
the following seven pages have been replaced with a kitten
-ECE OF ****!

OK... I'm ok... I think...

Yeah. So the bike is being a royal PITA. That is OK... I may be pulling all my hair out right now, but I AIN'T gonna quit! I will make up the needed brackets, and I will get this mounted. I still have some of that angle iron around.

Thirty minutes later, I have the fork side brackets made and mounted. Tomorrow, I shall make the windshield brackets, and connect them all together. ****** Home Depot bastards are gonna empty my wallet once again.


It has a steampunk vibe...

Steampunk is good lol
After I get it all fabbed up the way I want it, I might just send it all to Todd to have him machine me out cleaner looking stuff.

Wish Memphis Shades offered a Quik Disconnect mount for this windshield. If it wasn't for the fact that I have crap I want to mount after I get the windshield mounted, I would be tempted to go with the Memphis Shades Bullet fairing
Holy cow I worked half the day. I got my turn signals moved and swapped to rizoma zeroes, mounted my Fatmax bags, and got my tour tank ready to go. I'm gonna try everything out tomorrow. Looks like it's gonna be a long ride since I probably have 200 miles to the fuel light now.
Holy cow I worked half the day. I got my turn signals moved and swapped to rizoma zeroes, mounted my Fatmax bags, and got my tour tank ready to go. I'm gonna try everything out tomorrow. Looks like it's gonna be a long ride since I probably have 200 miles to the fuel light now.

:bang head: of I have to work or I'd love to invite myself along but then you'd have to stop for me to fuel up !!:biglaugh:
Holy cow I worked half the day. I got my turn signals moved and swapped to rizoma zeroes, mounted my Fatmax bags, and got my tour tank ready to go. I'm gonna try everything out tomorrow. Looks like it's gonna be a long ride since I probably have 200 miles to the fuel light now.
I'd like to see your tour tank setup, if so link up the post please. I have the Zero 11's on front and back, they are very bright when aimed properly.
Rode 203 miles today without getting gas...

Not sure if my odo is off by a bit, but it's at least within 5-10 miles of that total.
That's awesome Dave! I've ridden 183 miles on my 5 gallon tank last year and at the time my fuel sensor was broken! Sensor is fixed and it usually kicks off in the 160- 165 range now.
It's nice to take a ride and not have to stop at any gas station you see once you hit 80 miles on a tank, when I'm exploring and sightseeing I can fillup once all day.
Finished putting everything back together on the bike. Let me say this.. Things you forget.. Once you put front wheel on your not going to get front fend or fork brace on... When testing new H4 bulbs in your headlights please do not look directly into them they will remind you of when you were a kid looking at the sun, or someone welding.... I went to Yamaha of Richmond, hoping to ride the Gen 2 again.. No such luck, they don't pull it out of van. The guys I talked to said nobody is buying them and they doubt that Yamaha will continue to make them. Only the sport bikes and bolts are turning a profit....I did enjoy riding the FZ-09.. Just not sold on the confort and the controls... the mode button is in a uncomfortable place to reach while riding, but that bike has balls.... Guess if the weather isn't too warm or raining after work I will change out my front turn signals since I have a short.. Go figure after having everything apart I find this out.. Glad I bought extras from Sean last year.. I think I have 2 other sets of small aftermarkets also for the front...

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