What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

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Well wound up messing with my carbs again. here is the total story. Back in about mar, I had danny rebuild a set of carbs. They turned out great. After a dyno run, I decided to rejet. After rejetting I had a couple of idle circuits get clogged and did 2 shotguns.....and couldnt get the clog out, so I swapped out the carbs for a rack that I had on the shelf.

So right before the last dyno run, I decided to swap back. I know what the floats are set at....etc. So 2 more shotguns.....and got 1 of them cleared, but still had 1 more. I found out which carb it was using a temp gun on the exhaust. I figured that I would have to get into the carb and clean out the jet block.

Figured that i would try a shotgun 1 more time. This time....I decided to pull PAJ#1 and #2.....so that way I could get the tip of the air gun ALL the way into the carb. Guess what.....IT WORKED. I'm thinking the other times I wasnt getting full air pressure into the carb because the jets get in the way. The next time I do a shotgun I will remove PAJ#1 and 2, so that way full air pressure hits the carbs.

The 2nd pic is how I added a 2nd fuel filter AFTER the fuel pump. I added that several months ago, after I had to do 2 shotguns in 1 week. I have the fuel hose looped around so there are no sharp bends
Eric I use the same type air hose attachment but mine has a semi flexible rubber tapered head that works marvelous !! :biglaugh:
Did a main jet swap, needle adjustment and sync tonight after work. I bet my neighbors are glad i got some Holeshot cans to replace my Ufo slashcuts as syncing at 4am tends to.... disturb some people, lol.
For your neighbors' sake, I hope that's a joke. My neighbor has two Harley's and neither one has much for mufflers, and you can hear him for blocks away. Annoying especially late at night. :damn angry:

Did a main jet swap, needle adjustment and sync tonight after work. I bet my neighbors are glad i got some Holeshot cans to replace my Ufo slashcuts as syncing at 4am tends to.... disturb some people, lol.
I have a neighborhood harley kid who either works at a bar or hangs out till closing. He has been coming home most of the summer anywhere from 2:30- 4:00 am and of course he has straight pipes. I wouldn't mind it so much but his bike makes so much noise and is so slow that it takes him forever to ride past my house. Speed limit is 15 mph on my street but I bet he is hitting at least 20 mph after shifting through 4 gears.
That's the thing, with a Vmax or other fast bikes one to three gears they are out of sight, with a Harley it still there loud and still in sight after roaring through all the gears!:rofl_200:
No, its not a joke. These days i can only wrench after i get off at 3am. Syncing happens in a closed garage with the exhaust fan on high so as to cut down on noise. My neighbors are VERY tolerant of my habits, its my wife that i worry about waking the most, lol. My uncle established things/trained the neighbors when he lived here, i just maintained that when i bought my grandparents house 11 yrs ago, lol. I bet the neighborhood loved it when we broke in the cam on my brothers 85 Monte, 377 small block with 11.5-1 compression at 2am, lol. At least it has a full exhaust on it, lol.
We'll plan was to shotgun carbs on the 95. Fuel wouldn't drain like it should, let's just say it burns on your pouch a bit... One shorts were changed I found out what mains were in it. Pulled a/f screws, no small o-rings on needles- ordered new screws with washer/ springs/ o-rings. Small chunks came outs with the air.... Everything sprayed down and cleaned with carbs cleaner. Looks like I will going to lowes or fasten all for the rest of the Allen/ screw replacements. Didn't get to check out the digi sync tool on the 95, might double check it one the 90 in a few. Oh and I installed stage 7 springs to go with the factory pro needles since the slides had been drilled.
Viper SS windscreen, I posted a while back but spent a couple weeks working and was not home. Someone asked for pics. Here they are. Fit was ok but not OEM. Function is excellent but for long days in the saddle I'll have to make a lip or reduce my height by 6". It's SO much better to blast down the highway at 90 than before. Two zipties along the lower was needed for stability.


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If you get a quality windshield...2-point mounting is fine. Compare a Memphis Shades to a Slipstream. There is no comparison. Slipstream are junk. It's all about the mounting equipment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Reviews online for them was mostly positive and the price was right at around $70 shipped with mounting hardware. It works great and the quality seems fine. Two point mounting for these is inadequate but I knew that from the reviews so it was no surprise when I got it.

I know there are better ones out there for a bit more $$ but I'm sticking to an established budget for this bike, it's very good for the money spent. If someone wants the best of everything for a pristine bike then there are probably better choices out there.
We'll plan was to shotgun carbs on the 95. Fuel wouldn't drain like it should, let's just say it burns on your pouch a bit... One shorts were changed I found out what mains were in it. Pulled a/f screws, no small o-rings on needles- ordered new screws with washer/ springs/ o-rings. Small chunks came outs with the air.... Everything sprayed down and cleaned with carbs cleaner. Looks like I will going to lowes or fasten all for the rest of the Allen/ screw replacements. Didn't get to check out the digi sync tool on the 95, might double check it one the 90 in a few. Oh and I installed stage 7 springs to go with the factory pro needles since the slides had been drilled.

O-rings seldom come out with the needle, spring &washers. You have to pick them out of there. A straw from the carb cleaner can works. I have a small pick I use. If you do have two o-rings on one needle asssembly, you'll have trouble getting the needle to start in the threads.
Hey fellas, New to the forum but a max owner for years. I've trolled this forum on and off and have got some pretty good insight so I thought I'd bring my current issue to the table and see if I can get some help and maybe help someone else along the way. A brief back story... Way back I had a 97 max (was the love of my motorcycle life) until some low-life scumbag stole and then subsequently totaled her in a 100+ mph chase with the CHP. I then went into mourning for several years before I finally found and bought my current 04 max a few months ago. Now for the issue I mentioned, this past weekend I did a complete fluid change after about 2k miles of riding (I know, I know. should've done it right away but after being max-less for almost 5 years, I couldn't get off her long enough! Think the guy fresh out of prison and you'll understand :) Anyway, I went with redline engine and gear oil which I'm very happy with and engine ice for coolant. The coolant that was in her was purple in color and looked great but I decided to change it anyway. Prior to changing, the temp never went above half way on the gauge even in stop and go red lights in hot ass Florida (great for the vmax I know) Now I'm getting much warmer temps... 3/4's up the gauge. Again, I know that's somewhat the norm for the vmax but it's definitely bugging me, mostly because I know it can be better. I did a complete flush as per the manual, drained everything including the cylinders and flushed with distilled water before filling with engine ice. I then burped her and got some air bubbles out, but not much. I filled slowly so I figured all was good. NOT!!! I've since tried burping several times and no luck on expelling any air. So after lots of reading, I'm nearly convinced its trapped air OR the difference in whatever the purple stuff that was in her before and the new engine ice. Please help. as I said I know it can run cooler and in Florida we still have several hot months ahead. Thank you all in advance.
Here is what Ive been doing, I also posted this in the resistored vs unresistored COPS.

The question that has been posed lately has been, with unresistored cops, how far can you open up the spark plug gap?

So here is some experimenting that Ive done.

First of all, I am running Seans muscle jet kit.....but I'm running factory pro needles. I'm also running the Ignitech, with the dyna 3000 curve #3 (super unlead for hp). originally FP needles on the first clip from the blunt end, and spark plug gaps at .035. The easiest way to see if the spark plug gap is too wide, and you are suffering a high speed misfire is either with gas mileage, or a dyno.

So initial gas mileage was 39.5. Thats with 25% in town driving, and 75% highway driving. The put my spark plug gap to .040, and gas mileage dropped to 38.3. Since its only one mile, that doesnt really count statistically. Moved the clip on the needles to the 2nd clip, and gas mileage virtually unchanged.

Moved the plugs to .045. Went the same route, and dropped to 36.5. That got my attention. The bike felt good.....but mileage said something different. During the last dyno run, I was lean thru the midrange, so I put the clip 3rd from the blunt end. Mileage dropped to 33.0. I put in new plugs gapped at .035, and increased to 34.5. I havent moved the plugs back to .040 yet.....Its possible I was suffering from a slight misfire even at .040.

The mileage I can probably get back by leaning out the part throttle curve on the ignitech. It should support 3-4 degree increase....especially when I am running super.

Also, I think I found the reason why Gannon said to gap spark plugs with resistored cops, at .026. I spoke with him about a year ago, and he said that was based on what the plugs were gapped on the donnor bike for the COPS. There were several GSXR forums that put the gaps at .028 to .032.....so thats in the neighborhood of .026.
Hey fellas, New to the forum but a max owner for years. I've trolled this forum on and off and have got some pretty good insight so I thought I'd bring my current issue to the table and see if I can get some help and maybe help someone else along the way. A brief back story... Way back I had a 97 max (was the love of my motorcycle life) until some low-life scumbag stole and then subsequently totaled her in a 100+ mph chase with the CHP. I then went into mourning for several years before I finally found and bought my current 04 max a few months ago. Now for the issue I mentioned, this past weekend I did a complete fluid change after about 2k miles of riding (I know, I know. should've done it right away but after being max-less for almost 5 years, I couldn't get off her long enough! Think the guy fresh out of prison and you'll understand :) Anyway, I went with redline engine and gear oil which I'm very happy with and engine ice for coolant. The coolant that was in her was purple in color and looked great but I decided to change it anyway. Prior to changing, the temp never went above half way on the gauge even in stop and go red lights in hot ass Florida (great for the vmax I know) Now I'm getting much warmer temps... 3/4's up the gauge. Again, I know that's somewhat the norm for the vmax but it's definitely bugging me, mostly because I know it can be better. I did a complete flush as per the manual, drained everything including the cylinders and flushed with distilled water before filling with engine ice. I then burped her and got some air bubbles out, but not much. I filled slowly so I figured all was good. NOT!!! I've since tried burping several times and no luck on expelling any air. So after lots of reading, I'm nearly convinced its trapped air OR the difference in whatever the purple stuff that was in her before and the new engine ice. Please help. as I said I know it can run cooler and in Florida we still have several hot months ahead. Thank you all in advance.

I know its not in the manual, but some people with flush with 50/50 water and distilled vineger, to help dissolve any sediment....etc.
If it was working good before I kind of doubt a vinegar douche is needed. I typically only use distilled water.

How long did you run it with the cap off?

Did you wait long enough for the T-stat to open? When it does, the coolant level drops a good bit and you need to add more.

After that, keep it going a few more minutes till you see the coolant level rise again. By this time you should be sure to have all the air out.

Also, sometimes a cap just goes bad when you put it on/take it off.

As far as what I did to my vmax today, I went for a ride to tractor supply co and then to advance auto parts for some grease fittings and accessories for my grease gun. Put gas in the bike for the first time since spring! So sad but no time to ride lately. Would like to ride to work tomorrow but I need the truck to bring home a 20' section of gutter to mount on the house.

I did manage to dig about 5 lbs of mud out of my wife's quad primary cvt sheave. She drove thru a puddle that was a bit deeper than anticipated! Figured I might as well grease everything while I was at it.

First time I've ever used a grease needle. Worked pretty good to get at the zerks located in the FU spots (all 4 u joints) http://www.lincolnindustrial.com/catalog/model.aspx?itm_id=717&cat_id=285
Thanks for the replies. Yes, I ran it long enough for thermostat to open and continued to fill as needed. Today, I tried burping again with no luck on seeing any more air bubbles. Temp still higher than it was. Starting to think the previous coolant was keeping her just a bit cooler. I know full well that this is being picky but as my friend likes to say, I am ate up with it and seriously OCD. Which is all true and translates to me obsessing over this. Any help/advise on lowering the temp or even what the previous purple coolant was, would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the replies. Yes, I ran it long enough for thermostat to open and continued to fill as needed. Today, I tried burping again with no luck on seeing any more air bubbles. Temp still higher than it was. Starting to think the previous coolant was keeping her just a bit cooler. I know full well that this is being picky but as my friend likes to say, I am ate up with it and seriously OCD. Which is all true and translates to me obsessing over this. Any help/advise on lowering the temp or even what the previous purple coolant was, would be greatly appreciated.

When flushing did you open the radiator drain valve & forget to close it ? :ummm:

Raised my front end up a half inch. Steering too fast with the radials and upsets the chassis with a rediculous ease. Almost makes me miss the bias plys, lol.
Last week i rented a backhoe, dug out a wide sloping trench 4 feet down, hauled a 40' refrigerated semi trailer in i bought back in june, backed it down in the trench so floor is almost ground level, lowered the landing gear so it was level.
Spent monday building shelves way up in the front of it, got most all of my new bike parts and tools in it, will start loading my 7 top bikes in it soon, the Vmax, two Goldwings, two Venture Royales, two Honda CX bikes.
And a Star 1300, it will be locked up tighter than Ft Knox while i am away in Australia for the winter, or longer. Hopefully because its and old reefer trailer and its fully insulated i won't get the nasty frost on the bikes being stored outside like before. I don't want to heat it either, too risky for fire. All batteries will be disconnected. Our weather has gone suddenly colder and wetter here in Alaska.

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