Just in case it is needed a little elaboration on the venturi.
The venturi is the narrow part of the carburettor inlet tract.
As the piston descends with the inlet valve open it sucks in air. At the narrow point in the carb. it need to speed up to get through the restriction. This causes the air pressure within the venture to drop.
A jet connected to the float chamber exits into the venturi.
As the float chamber is at ambient pressure and the air flowing through the venturi is below ambient then fuel is drawn into the venturi.
That's all very well, I hear you say, but show me the maths's behind this.
OK, have a look
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Have a butchers
The same principal helps aeroplanes fly, football swerve and to
make the seemingly most un-aerodynamic piece of screwed up paper miss the bin even when you are standing over it!