There we go again (StarVMax lackeys) ...
I really wish this inter forum pissing contest would STOP once and for all...
It is completely useless postings like this that gets me scratching my head EVERY single time.... but whatever...
RANT Warning!>>>>>>>>>
The lack of self-confidence asides from those calling certain types of bikes 'girls bike' etc.... the "VMax / Other Bikes" discussion has been going on for quite a while.
Three years ago I was one of the first StarVmax (SVM) forum members to discuss the release of a future Ducati VMax Killer (which turned out to be much later the Diavel) At the time I received an onslaught of nasty comments in the SVM to my postings similar to this posting by ITgoes.
RANT over....>>>>>>>>
The bottom line is this... Ducati R&D had over two decades of information learned from probably deconstructing many G1 Vmax bikes to learn what worked and didnt work on that bike.
Results: Diavel--a killer fast bike with great looks
IMO what the Yamaha engineers DID NOT do as well was to incorporate a few very simple concepts from their sports bike design into the G2 VMax.
Results: G2 VMax -- A crappy dangerously 'torquy' frankstein (no puns intended 'fxstein'
The Yamaha engineers were either drunk on sake OR were listening to the WRONG audience when building the bike. This is obvious by some very fundamental flaws on the G2 such as seat height; gas mileage, poor ergonomics, miserable torque to traction control ration and poor weight distribution.
When my good friend Patrick Ahearn spoke about the VMax (on the promotional VMax video in 2008 while leaning against his wicked superchatrged G1) he said... the G1 burns out like a scolded ape... and that is all.. the G2 is the same old new bike -- an ok bike for brute force straight line acceleration.. as Hajime Hirao points out.. we want to give riders a great feeling of acceleration... what Mr. Hirao failed to understand on his quest for the ultimate acceleration addiction ... is that creating all that power without the proper consideration to safety is just plain WRONG!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Itgoes
Diavel weighs much less than a Gen1.
As far a looks go, a friends wife described it as looking like "the girls version of a Gen 2 VMax" LOL I think she nailed it.
Off the line....down the line.....and at the finish line.......the VMax will eat it up.

It is completely useless postings like this that gets me scratching my head EVERY single time.... but whatever...
RANT Warning!>>>>>>>>>
The lack of self-confidence asides from those calling certain types of bikes 'girls bike' etc.... the "VMax / Other Bikes" discussion has been going on for quite a while.
Three years ago I was one of the first StarVmax (SVM) forum members to discuss the release of a future Ducati VMax Killer (which turned out to be much later the Diavel) At the time I received an onslaught of nasty comments in the SVM to my postings similar to this posting by ITgoes.
RANT over....>>>>>>>>
The bottom line is this... Ducati R&D had over two decades of information learned from probably deconstructing many G1 Vmax bikes to learn what worked and didnt work on that bike.
Results: Diavel--a killer fast bike with great looks
IMO what the Yamaha engineers DID NOT do as well was to incorporate a few very simple concepts from their sports bike design into the G2 VMax.
Results: G2 VMax -- A crappy dangerously 'torquy' frankstein (no puns intended 'fxstein'

The Yamaha engineers were either drunk on sake OR were listening to the WRONG audience when building the bike. This is obvious by some very fundamental flaws on the G2 such as seat height; gas mileage, poor ergonomics, miserable torque to traction control ration and poor weight distribution.
When my good friend Patrick Ahearn spoke about the VMax (on the promotional VMax video in 2008 while leaning against his wicked superchatrged G1) he said... the G1 burns out like a scolded ape... and that is all.. the G2 is the same old new bike -- an ok bike for brute force straight line acceleration.. as Hajime Hirao points out.. we want to give riders a great feeling of acceleration... what Mr. Hirao failed to understand on his quest for the ultimate acceleration addiction ... is that creating all that power without the proper consideration to safety is just plain WRONG!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Itgoes

Diavel weighs much less than a Gen1.
As far a looks go, a friends wife described it as looking like "the girls version of a Gen 2 VMax" LOL I think she nailed it.
Off the line....down the line.....and at the finish line.......the VMax will eat it up.