Well-Known Member
If I'm on 2 wheels and he passes me ......... definately moving over 'cause the po po is surely chasing him . :rofl_200:
If I'm on 2 wheels and he passes me ......... definately moving over 'cause the po po is surely chasing him . :rofl_200:
If the driver is dangerouslly driving than the best thing you can do is get the name of the company he drives for and turn him in. trust me his boss will take care of everything. when you call his boss dont go over board but make sure you sell the fact that the driver was acting in a very unsafe maner and was driving with rage. Trust me he will be told to pull over and call dipatch. This way you just put his job on the line with this company forever. And most likley he will get fired. If you cant get the name than get the tag make and color of truck and trailer and any other details to hell the police find him the more info you can get the better but dont chase after him. if i have time i turn on the porch light when im next to them and bump the horn and show them my phone and give them a look like im going through with it right now. hope this helps
What would you do Toddler.
Whatever you do, don't throw any popcorn at him! People can react violently to minor issues. Be vigilant, be alert, be safe, but don't be a victim. These days that can be a very fine line to observe, the one between observer and victim.
But now your story is changing.....
I would keep enough distance between us not to get clouted by his erratic behavior and when the opportunity arises like at a stop light, I'm sure I would give a two fingered salute as in a FU salute.
What would I do Vmax Mike...... I would shoot your tires out.....Stupid truck drivers should learn how to drive!!!!
I guess you would have a hard time explaining that one to your boss eh Mike?
Reality, I would call the cops. Get his plate and description and let them take care of it.
If the driver is dangerouslly driving than the best thing you can do is get the name of the company he drives for and turn him in. trust me his boss will take care of everything. when you call his boss dont go over board but make sure you sell the fact that the driver was acting in a very unsafe maner and was driving with rage. Trust me he will be told to pull over and call dipatch. This way you just put his job on the line with this company forever. And most likley he will get fired. If you cant get the name than get the tag make and color of truck and trailer and any other details to hell the police find him the more info you can get the better but dont chase after him. if i have time i turn on the porch light when im next to them and bump the horn and show them my phone and give them a look like im going through with it right now. hope this helps
What would you do Toddler.
As for the guy with no id on his truck i do call the cops and tell them all the info i can and i would say the vehicle is all over the road and it look to me like he was drinking miller beer in a can.
Rusty not only do i sit up nice and high for a great view but i also have a camera mounted on my windshield that tells all. just punch in the time and date. 911 dont care what you are drinking. All they care about is that you are drinking. unless you remove your plate or i dont get your plate you will be pulled over. And if i need to prove it well that camera will do that. Trust me its not fun having a camera knowing your every move because if im the guy that they call in on it will tell on me to. Hell at any time if dispatch wants to know where im at they just pull it up on the gps and they can see where im at and even how fast im going. Soon i will have a system that will tell on me if i am falling asleep.
Rusty not only do i sit up nice and high for a great view but i also have a camera mounted on my windshield that tells all. just punch in the time and date. 911 dont care what you are drinking. All they care about is that you are drinking. unless you remove your plate or i dont get your plate you will be pulled over. And if i need to prove it well that camera will do that. Trust me its not fun having a camera knowing your every move because if im the guy that they call in on it will tell on me to. Hell at any time if dispatch wants to know where im at they just pull it up on the gps and they can see where im at and even how fast im going. Soon i will have a system that will tell on me if i am falling asleep.