What would you do?

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I would like to think that I would have been able to react quickly enough to do the same thing.
Seeing this is proof positive about why you should keep your bike in gear, hand on the throttle, ready to go, when at intersections.
I agree with Mileslong. If you watch it close, he had the bike in gear or at least he had the clutch pulled in which to me would only mean that the bike is in gear. I would like to think that I was as quick as him and was lucky enough not to get hurt, It happened very, very, fast. At least he has proof for the insurance company and the police.

You kinda probably are thinking right up to the last second "he's gonna stop, he sees me, he's gonna stop.....oh crap....he's not stopping!!"
Holy Crap!!
I would most likely panic like the rider did.
Can't believe the dude hits the tire..then friggin gasses it. Now that I think about it, the driver prolly freaked, forgot he was it reverse, and gunned it trying to get away.

But yeah, wow.
If you watch it close, he had the bike in gear or at least he had the clutch pulled in which to me would only mean that the bike is in gear.

Are you sure?
His hand was pulling the clutch, but if he was in gear, "I would think" the bike would either lurch forward, or the back wheel would be spinning until the car backed over it.

The biker revs the bike to alert the driver, but it was too late.
Looks like it was a mans arm in the passenger seat, and looking closely at the tiny profile of the face and hair flailing, it looks like it was a female driver. Possibly a new student driver that messed up, then panicked.

Either way, the rider was not harmed.. IMO, he did the right thing and remove his body from danger. He can always get his bike repaired.

Dug it up on YouTube..
Attempted vehicular homicide! Draw. Fire. Keep firing until empty. "They were clearly trying to kill me, officer."
Why rev instead of horn?!
I would also think that the person would see me, but after seeing this, less trust on that for future similar situations.
Walk away like that from the bike to see it smashed like that under a car it would brake my heart and it seems total loss to me.
Never can be sure what you would do unless you've faced the scenario or similar before.
Never have and hope to never.
BUT! I can tell you probably what would have happened afterwards if it were me... but I might be taken in for questioning as to where the bodies were hidden. LOL (but am I?)
Back in '94, I was stopped at a four lane highway intersection, stopped behind two cars, on the right lane; I noticed in my rearview mirrors that a car was approaching me from behind at a high rate of speed. So I decided, to move between the two cars, like I was going to lanesplit. A few seconds later, there was a sound of screeching tires, and that car stopped just inches from the rear bumper of the car that was in front of me!!!
My natural reaction would have been to go to the right of him. In which case I might have gotten clipped anyway. Stopped in traffic is dangerous, you're at the mercy of cagers with less option to react. Horns can not be too loud!
I hope I'd be quick enough to at least get off the bike but I don't know man....that happened really fast. Then there's the time spent registering what Mike said....that he ain't stopping!! I think the rider did a hell of a job with that....and absolutely, that brain dead cager would buy me a brand new bike....I'd make sure of that! :punk: