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Years ago, as I was working towards my paramedic, I worked in a Nursing home as a nurses aid. It tends to give you a different perspective on life, as well as being a humbling job.

There were people that have no awareness, no quality of life, you turned them ever 2 hrs. The families saw them 1-2 times a year. These people were in the upper 90's -lower 100's. No matter what, these people were being kept alive, sometimes with a tube in every orifice that they had.

I always kinda wondered if the family members secretly hated them.....or felt guilty, and so wanted to keep them alive at all costs......but then felt guilty, so never came for a visit, or even stopped by to read to them, or to just spend time with them.

I'm not saying euthanize them.....but they werent being allowed to die either.

I'm a private duty/in home independent RN most of the time but when I do shift work I'm a nursing home or hospice nurse, I asked my wife to just make sure I go down the stairs at 94 or once I cant wipe my own ass anymore. A nursing home bed is a dark place to die, or live. There are ways to make it more tolerable for most, including staff. My first rotation in a nursing home made it pretty clear what I was supposed to be doing.

Now with tech getting better as stated, people are living longer, but from what I can see Joe Q. Public is getting dumber than a pile of stripped bolts. I think it will cancel itself out.

As for darting under that, a few years ago I would have w/o thinking twice but at this point I would go around... not that I would not be tempted in the most powerful way but I think there could be quite a cost for failure. That is a great pic, thank you for posting it. I feel the temptation coursing through my veins and I"m not even there.

Scatter your ashes to the wind???
We're gonna take your ashes to Thunder, load them in the gas tank of your cherished '07, and put it thru one last motherf_ _kin' DYNORUN!
Now isn't that a better idea?? :biglaugh:


That is such a great idea.
I took this picture on the way home from work the other day.

Sure was tempting... :biglaugh:


Duck and gun it?..
