good catch eagle eye, i didnt even look at the bike pics just the specs........
Too many errors in the specs to even mention!! S'pecially the carb size....AGH!! :bang head:
good catch eagle eye, i didnt even look at the bike pics just the specs........
Its about 6 and a quarter wet weight.
Does the fuel, oil, and coolant weigh in at 45lbs?
I know water is roughly 7lbs a gallon, Fuel (depending on type) is a little over 6lbs/gal, and oil weighs in about 1.8 lbs/qt.
Water is 8.33 Lbs per gallon. 1 gallon is 3.7854 liters and 1 liter of water weighs 1 kg, and 1 Kg is 2.2 Lbs. Fuel density is roughly .78 depending on type of fuel, Finer fuels have lower density and diesel and kerosene have higher density, thats how they separate them on decanting containers on processing facilities...
Most computer jockey's are left handed drinkers. Typically most mouse users use it with their right hand, although there a few of you lefties out there!All the above plus it's for a left handed person unless you want to look at specs while you drink.
Missing orange reflector above white strip on radiator cover.
Wife finds out what I spent this winter mostly from this forum maybe divorce defiantly be spending more time at my WVa property alone (maybe )
what some cheese with that whine ... definitely got some issue who cares obviously you do Thanks for correcting me
who cares go correct some one else mr perfect