Whats Wrong with this Picture!!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
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Addem if you gottem...I found this one

You know if they get into a wreck, they will might wipe a whole family out. I have seen other photo's like this and that is wacked.
Some people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.........................:damn angry:..........................Tom.
Personally I think it's genius that the stuck the littlest one in the bucket...lol

Regards from my Taptalking Hercules Android
At least one of them is wearing their bucket-just not a brain bucket.
when I went to Bali late last year I saw this everywhere - I thought it was amazing too! Mostly it's 3 or 4 people though, parents and a coupla kids, but this one has to take the biscuit with 8 people on a bike! The rider skills needed to keep this thing upright.. can you imagine? lol
Wacha you mean 8 people? At least 3 of them are probably pregnant .....
A while ago I would have probably have laughted at that photo, but with a 1 year old, it just irks the **** out of me now.

Then again, I have been annoyed all night long.
Tire pressure looks a little low and the load triangle may be a bit off with the kid in the bucket...