oh ya for sure that might work.
as for the work, that was for another day dan not during the party fest hahahaha.
And well finally got my first light taste at the steering wobble at 45. Sooo might have to pull that apart in early spring, thinking of checking the bearings and races in case i gotta chg them/grease them. what you think? or just tighten it up??? 24000 or so miles on V2.....
is this were the new carb chains come in handy??? i got the old style?
Is the center stand still on? I'd prop up the front and see how hard it bounces off the stops, it should hit without any, or very little bounce....if it bounces 2 or 3 times try snugging down on the bearings a little before going for replacement....you might pick up some extra time on them.
Oh...splitter operator is already filled, but chain saw operator is wide open!!!!