why is there always " CRUST ON MY "

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I hate to admit it, but I'm a little crusty too. I keep cleaning it but it keeps coming back. Guess I'll have to rub some alodine on it. Does that stuff burn?

it'll slight chg the color so ya i bet it burns :rofl_200::rofl_200:
I know this is gonna sound funny, soooooo.....how about a light coat of vaseline on your rubbers? That should seal it up good, and prevent the crust!
There is a very small bleed hole that allows air in on top of the rubber thingie so it can expand as fluid is used.....if the gasket is not seated properly then it can allow fluid to get on top of the rubber thingie and then out the bleed hole.

The stock covers have a lip inside them that holds the gasket correctly while installing the covers...Some aftermarket covers do not have this lip and it's almost impossible to get the gasket to stay in place while installing the covers, and even if you did the "seating" area for the gasket is so narrow it would eventually (if ot immediatley) push them out and into the reservoir where they just float on top instead of doing thier job....

If it's leaking everwhere then your seating surfaces aren't clean or the gaskets not working right....