Its scary when it gets violent at triple digits.I forgot all about the
Its scary when it gets violent at triple digits.
I've been through everything except frame braces and changing the head bearings. I'd rather have a wobble than install those ugly frame braces... in MY opinion. I want to show off that engine, not hide it. :biglaugh:
The head bearings is all I have left.
Here's what I've done so far and the wobble STILL exists in my bike.
The wobble shows it's ugly head when:
- Accelerating hard, and over 60 MPH
- Riding fast on uneven or bad roads
- After hitting a bump in the road (almost like the front and rear wheels are not tracking).
Maintenance to date:
- Accomplished "bounce test" properly tightening the head bearings. FYI... there is a very fine line between developing a low-speed weave (too tight) and high-speed wobble (too loose)
- Replaced rear tire
- Checked front and rear wheel bearings
- Replaced original fork springs with Progressive springs. New oil, and zero air pressure in forks
- Replaced fork brace with HUGE thick steel brace.
My next step is to replace / inspect the head bearings. I'm running out of options. :ummm:
Here's 15 pages (to date) about this topic.
Alright well maybe ill replace my steering bearings and races. Ive saw a few guy on here say theyve had to do that. The bike has 24xxx so maybe its just time. Still planning on going with progressive fork springs too so maybr those 2 things will help me.
The order in which you tighten and torque the front end can make a difference too.
Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
I respectfully disagree.I checked my head bearings then had a experienced Yamaha mechanic check and adjust them also.No difference, still have the same high speed wobble.Then replaced the stock fork springs with progressive and the wobble was gone.WOW!,what a difference! It handled like a totally different bike.The springs was the only thing I changed.Maybe your experience has been different but for me the Progressive springs was the one thing that made the difference.Fork springs are a great bang for the buck. But not a wobble cure. They will assist handling and braking. Lots of good threads here on setting up our forks. The progressive web site too. Head bearings or their adjustment are a high percentage wobble/weave cause. Once you get it right there's nothing like it. The bikes are capable of being very stable at high speed. Tire pressure tends to get over looked. I like the indicators that let you know if you need air.
I followed seans video when i adjusted my head bearings.+1 Mark, and relieving any fork compression from head bearing adjustment is important. It's all here on this forum.
I followed seans video when i adjusted my head bearings.
I respectfully disagree.I checked my head bearings then had a experienced Yamaha mechanic check and adjust them also.No difference, still have the same high speed wobble.Then replaced the stock fork springs with progressive and the wobble was gone.WOW!,what a difference! It handled like a totally different bike.The springs was the only thing I changed.Maybe your experience has been different but for me the Progressive springs was the one thing that made the difference.
Seems to be there is no definate answer on what to fix to correct this. Seems as if everyone did something different.
Just checked the air in my forks and there was none. Put them both at 5 psi. Tire pressure was uneven front to back. They are now even to the psi stated on the tire. We will see how it acts next ride.