WOW..Some one going to be unhappy in UFO Land

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2007
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If John been selling this for this price

Now Voodoo selling for this price

somebody going to be very upset :rofl_200::rofl_200:
wonder how much UFO going to drop his price to..:rofl_200:
he dropped his kick stand down from $195 to $85 on ebay but they still $195 on his website:rofl_200:
Now if Yamaha would only cut the price in Half on the Gen2 ..:rofl_200:
A vendor I do a very small amount of business with was making magazines for Saiga 12's. He was charge $240 for a 20 round drum. Then a large magazine manufacturer came along and made a similar drum for $100 or so, he tried to go head to head with them and say quality was better, but we all know that $140 difference in price, people will but the cheaper one all day. Regardless he chopped his price in half.... $120. I told him that people are going to be pissed that just bought one. And yep, they were. I bought one a year prior and paid $240 for it ( might have been $260 for it can't remember ). But I wasn't all too happy. Because that told me that if can sell for $120 and still make profit, that he was really charging it up. But when your the only one with teh product you can charge whatever you want. When others copy ( or maybe in this case, when a manufacturer decides to step in and sell to public and not just whole sale ) than it can put a dampner on your sales.

But one thing is you get knowledge with one price. The other I am not sure of. I know alot you guys don't like Jon. I ve never had a problem with him and he has helped me out for years and I haven't bought a thing from him. He has taken his time to call me back and talk for hours. Maybe people don't like him and thats fine with me, but he has never done anything wrong by me to me.

But yeah that price is low on those Voodoo ones. My question would be, are they the same material, thickness quality etc. Are they the same pipe. Before everyone starts saying its half price, it could be China made and have crap welds, crap materials hence the half price etc.

So just thought. And to be honest, I don't think he really cares. Its not like he makes his money off Vmax parts really.
It's the exact same part. I am not sure if they have even cut him off by now and he's selling whatever he had on hand.
I can say that I bought the voodoo kickstand for $80 and it is very high quality. Comes in very professional packaging and shipping was very fast.
It's the exact same part. I am not sure if they have even cut him off by now and he's selling whatever he had on hand.

I heard they did. On one of the auctions, a while back he was trash talking about the company in his usual fashion and said something to the nature of " the original, not the cheap ghetto boy copy." I can't remember the date, I wasn't paying attention and not really caring, to be honest. I was looking at fork braces and adj. kickstands at the time and thought they looked pretty similar but the price differential was a good one. Sometimes UFO was cheaper, others it was Voodoo.

Seems they are a new company out there supplying some products similar to UFO but they don't rape you on price. Check out ebay.

who is voodoo?

I may be incorrect here but my understanding of the situation is that Voodoo is the company making these parts. UFO gets the parts from Voodoo and resells them at a higher price. A falling out occured and now Voodoo is selling the parts direct.
I may be incorrect here but my understanding of the situation is that Voodoo is the company making these parts. UFO gets the parts from Voodoo and resells them at a higher price. A falling out occured and now Voodoo is selling the parts direct.

A falling out with UFO?! How could that be?!!! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
I may be incorrect here but my understanding of the situation is that Voodoo is the company making these parts. UFO gets the parts from Voodoo and resells them at a higher price. A falling out occured and now Voodoo is selling the parts direct.

Now someone saw the light... Of course its voodoo making the parts and UFO just resells... Its the same **** but before voodoo would stamp the brand UFO and now its stamping its own...
Why so much bashing on UFO? and dont give me the you know somebody who got screwed thing please. I bought stuff from them and had no issue. If anything I recieved great service and even some free stuff. My calls and questions where answered I recieved my products as discribed.... Fit finnish was perfect. If I have never delt with a vendor no matter what or who it is I can not give any bad opinion I dont know period.
And as for the price thing it is America its called free trade dont like the price dont buy it.. thats it...
I have to agree. Jon bent over backwards to help me...sourced the correct bearings so my R1 convetsion was a bolt in job....and then shipped spares over for future use...before I had paid for them.
All questions answered quickly.
Why so much bashing on UFO? and dont give me the you know somebody who got screwed thing please. I bought stuff from them and had no issue. If anything I recieved great service and even some free stuff. My calls and questions where answered I recieved my products as discribed.... Fit finnish was perfect. If I have never delt with a vendor no matter what or who it is I can not give any bad opinion I dont know period.
And as for the price thing it is America its called free trade dont like the price dont buy it.. thats it...

Talk to someone who has had a deal go wrong....he's a vindictive prick. He took 10's of thousands of dollars of deposits from Gen 2 owners for a piece of crap pipe he built that leaked at the welds, didn't fit right and scraped on every corner. They were delivered months late. Then anyone who complained was attacked by him. He screwed Tim Nash, one the nicest guys you want to meet and the most honest vendor I've found in motorcycling. To this day Cornell has lies about his work posted on his website.

There are a lot of people who say they are happy with their products and service, but he has a long history of people who feel cheated and will never do business with him again.

So if you're happy carry on.......but don't expect the people who aren't not to speak up.
Not taking anyone's side here but to those of you who have good experiences with UFO , Congratulations , that is good to hear. There are a lot more stories of people being done wrong by the company also , I was one of them but will not go into detail , the people who have a Negative experience with Jon far outweigh the Positive experience and not just by "hear say" either . Like I said glad some one got some good service . Take Care Kurt