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Diversity actually adds strenght.

I agree.
I'm quite proud of being able to get almost any type of food in my tiny little backwoods city. We got everything here! Theres nothing like knowing that I'm lucky to be able to choose from Polish, Thai, Italian, Indian, Ethiopian, Chinese, Lebanese... etc. Diversity is yummy too! :eusa_dance:

BTW - thats a cool collection of bikes you got there! :biglaugh:
I agree.
I'm quite proud of being able to get almost any type of food in my tiny little backwoods city. We got everything here! Theres nothing like knowing that I'm lucky to be able to choose from Polish, Thai, Italian, Indian, Ethiopian, Chinese, Lebanese... etc. Diversity is yummy too! :eusa_dance:

BTW - thats a cool collection of bikes you got there! :biglaugh:

good one!

What polish food have you eaten?
ha ha ha... I looked at satariel666 and didn't click it was you Prez. :ummm:
I thought you were asking me about Polish food! Silly me.
I have never been to the Polish restuarants here. Sorry, I don't know it well.

I'm named after my uncle Basyli Szyman (My name is Basil), and my mother is Halina Slepikowski. (My grandparents tried to make it "Helena" but didn't spell it right.)
My Grandparents and Basyli came as refugees from the war on this boat -->
I've never been to Poland. Closest place is Germany. I am disapointed I didn't get to Poland as I know very little about it. Oh well.
Haha all good my friend!

Polish spelling is Bazyl - you should try my full name which is Przemyslaw! LOL

Pickles are damn good! You must try PIEROGI!

Altough I fell like a Polish but i was never any kind of patriot. Im not a pure Pollish cuz my grandmother from father side was German (Korch) and grandmother from my mother side was Ukraine.
At the same stage my family has a great traditions - my uncle (brother of my granfather/named STRYJ here) died at Battle at Monte Casino and half of my mother family died serving in AK.

I can never stand with a stupid criticism(no mather it was misspelling or a joke) on a european history.
Israel is a country my friend and Judaism is a religion (the one that embraces it is a jew). Israel is a territory that was parted from palestinian lands by order of the UN in 1948 (UN was mostly controlled by US and british). That is the base of all problems between Israel and Palestine. The second ones claiming that their lands were offered to the exiled landless jews after holocaust. Palestine didn't look at that with good eyes (understandable). Not all of Israelis are jews and as you know jews are scattered all over the Globe. Everyone has the right to belong in this Earth with no special rights or duties... We could talk and talk about all this and terrorism as well and what causes it and so on but before one starts spreading its hatred should understand the origin of all the problems and issues. I take no part when analyzing all this and try to understand what drives people to such and such... I can tell you as an example that not all the "ragheads" are terrorists, and those use the religion in different contexts to justify their actions, those are not the fundamentalists as people call them, those are the fanatics that twist all the teachings and significance of the sacred writings on their behalf and interest... All this to say that we need to be careful not to give prejudice to a creed just because one of them did bad... Punish that one and let the other ones exist in peace.

PS - I've been in most warzones and conflict areas in Africa and Middle East (not including Iraq) and i met and talked with many people about many things and that made me a more humble person regarding this subjects.

Israel is a Jewish State, not a Judaism State, it is about blood, and the leaders of the US and Israel repeat that over and over again, try listening sometime. It is correct that Jews should have their own country, and the US protects them in that right.

I agree.
I'm quite proud of being able to get almost any type of food in my tiny little backwoods city. We got everything here! Theres nothing like knowing that I'm lucky to be able to choose from Polish, Thai, Italian, Indian, Ethiopian, Chinese, Lebanese... etc. Diversity is yummy too! :eusa_dance:

BTW - thats a cool collection of bikes you got there! :biglaugh:

Bazwell, cool, diversity in food great, very good, :clapping: but in other area's that really count, maybe NOT so good.

Pittsburgh has a lot of Polish food. Not sure how authentic it is but it's good!

Grandma makes some great stuffed cabbage (Golabki, I think its called?) The local fire hall has home made pierogi every so often. Haluski is another popular dish here.
My next-door neighbor for about a dozen years was from Hamtramck, a Polish suburb of Detroit. He worked for one of the "Big Three," as the major domestic auto manufacturers are known, GM, Ford, & Chrysler. He owned a home in Detroit in 'Poletown,' as it was known, bought for the price of a used car, and sold it for a big profit when GM decided to build a new plant in the neighborhood, which was a huge issue of contention among the residents who did not want to re-locate.

Here is an interesting book I read for a graduate class about GM's eminent domain confiscation of the Hamtranack site: Poletown: Community Betrayed by Jeannie Wylie (Kellermann). The Detroit mayor at the time Coleman Young, wanted to keep GM local and was willing to capitulate on many levels to keep them, including the loss of a historic and very viable ethnic community, which was the neighborhood known as 'Poletown.'
Thirty years later, people are still very oninionated about the contentious way in-which the politics evolved, and the eventual changes which occurred. A similar episode occurred in Miami FL when the I-95 interstate route cut a swath through a historically-black area of Miami called "Overtown," dividing it and usually attributed to being a cause of the deterioration of the neighborhood as a viable ethnic enclave.

Here is a site w/much information about Detroit and its history, and if you want to see more just search "GM and Poletown."

As soon as Prez mentioned Polish food, I immediately thought of the pierogi's my neighbor used to make and share with me. Polish beer is also very good.

By the way, Prez, every time I see your postings, I have to watch your avatar cycle-through a few times, I think it's the funniest one I've ever seen!
Pittsburgh has a lot of Polish food. Not sure how authentic it is but it's good!

Grandma makes some great stuffed cabbage (Golabki, I think its called?) The local fire hall has home made pierogi every so often. Haluski is another popular dish here.

Goloabki are delicious. Somethimes we serve them in a "reverse" way - filling its outside and cabbage is inside LOL
Haluski are not popular in my region, they are served in the north :)
Interesting read. Never heard about that!

My next-door neighbor for about a dozen years was from Hamtramck, a Polish suburb of Detroit. He worked for one of the "Big Three," as the major domestic auto manufacturers are known, GM, Ford, & Chrysler. He owned a home in Detroit in 'Poletown,' as it was known, bought for the price of a used car, and sold it for a big profit when GM decided to build a new plant in the neighborhood, which was a huge issue of contention among the residents who did not want to re-locate.

Here is an interesting book I read for a graduate class about GM's eminent domain confiscation of the Hamtranack site: Poletown: Community Betrayed by Jeannie Wylie (Kellermann). The Detroit mayor at the time Coleman Young, wanted to keep GM local and was willing to capitulate on many levels to keep them, including the loss of a historic and very viable ethnic community, which was the neighborhood known as 'Poletown.'
Thirty years later, people are still very oninionated about the contentious way in-which the politics evolved, and the eventual changes which occurred. A similar episode occurred in Miami FL when the I-95 interstate route cut a swath through a historically-black area of Miami called "Overtown," dividing it and usually attributed to being a cause of the deterioration of the neighborhood as a viable ethnic enclave.

Here is a site w/much information about Detroit and its history, and if you want to see more just search "GM and Poletown."

As soon as Prez mentioned Polish food, I immediately thought of the pierogi's my neighbor used to make and share with me. Polish beer is also very good.

By the way, Prez, every time I see your postings, I have to watch your avatar cycle-through a few times, I think it's the funniest one I've ever seen!

Polish beer is one of the best in EU - no one will argue with that :)

You are not only one fan of my avatar - Im recieving questions about it all the time here and on the other sites! Its absolutly brilliant!
Im afraid we will never guees from where this short animation came from!

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