Yamaha Accessory Performance Exhaust

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You guys crack me up. Mess with the FNG huh! I have to admit you had me with the carb chains. That's a new one for me. Actually had me trying to research it to see if it was an upgrade that I would like to do to my Vmax lol. The friends that I checked with to see if they could make a short vid for me of the pipes all have to work this weekend. I'm thinking I'll just run to Wallyworld and buy one. Any recommendations? I know about zip when it comes to video cameras. I'll do my best to try and fit in here. I've only been around here for a couple of months even though I've had the Max for over 7yrs. Anyway, my eyes are open now so fire away. John

There's a story behind the carb chains John....one of the forum guys was at a bike meet, or show, or something with his v max and this dude comes over and says he had a v max but his max had the carb chains removed....which gave him 50 extra cc's.

Well, we all had a hoot over that, as you can imagine, this was like a couple years ago if I remember right, and various references to carb chains have been popping ever since. And prolly always will cause it's a lot of fun to bring them up and see what other crazy **** the guys come up with!

Anyhow, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy the trip....there's tons of info to be had and some fine folks to discuss it with. Of course you'll fit in here....you own a V Max....right!! :punk:
While you can get a dedicated video camera and it'll shoot excellent video's I just use my Canon powershot A590 ($135 w/ 4g memory stick and case) for the vids. I'm sure you can find a good one at Wally world.
There's a story behind the carb chains John....one of the forum guys was at a bike meet, or show, or something with his v max and this dude comes over and says he had a v max but his max had the carb chains removed....which gave him 50 extra cc's.

Well, we all had a hoot over that, as you can imagine, this was like a couple years ago if I remember right, and various references to carb chains have been popping ever since. And prolly always will cause it's a lot of fun to bring them up and see what other crazy **** the guys come up with!

Anyhow, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy the trip....there's tons of info to be had and some fine folks to discuss it with. Of course you'll fit in here....you own a V Max....right!! :punk:

i think it might have been kozy.
I just bought a video camera today, so as soon as I read up on how to use it I'll make a video of the exhaust sound and get someone to show me how to put it on youtube like I said I would. I tried it with a cheap digital camera my daughter has but it was kind of embarrasing how it sounded. Thanks, John
I just bought a video camera today, so as soon as I read up on how to use it I'll make a video of the exhaust sound and get someone to show me how to put it on youtube like I said I would. I tried it with a cheap digital camera my daughter has but it was kind of embarrasing how it sounded. Thanks, John
That's cool. we'll get a better video to view for your efforts!:punk:
Thanks for the backup kaboom. I was trying everything I could think of because I didn't want to ask my 12yr. old daughter for help so I wouldn't have to listen to all the smart-aleck remarks if you know what I mean. But she came to my rescue anyway. No smart remarks even. Must have something to do with going on vacation next week. LOL. Thanks, John
These pipes are just too much. Has anybody found a second set or even better, sets for sale. How does it feel to have the only ones? They sound great.:biglaugh: Nice video.
These pipes are just too much. Has anybody found a second set or even better, sets for sale. How does it feel to have the only ones? They sound great.:biglaugh: Nice video.

I second that.
Badazz pipes. Can't believe Yamaha didn't push the advertising campaign on them. I never even knew you could buy them!
I know that somewhere out there, there have got to be more sets of these pipes on Maxes. Maybe it was the price that kept them from being popular. I don't know. In the 7yrs. I've owned the bike I have only seen 3 others Maxes on the highway. Given the time and opportunity I'm gonna figure a way to strap the video camera on the passenger seat and take it out in the country and row the box a few times. I really like the way it sounds when I do that. If that happens guess I'll post another vid. John
All of that being Said. Who's going to make some of these pipes for us?:biglaugh:

#5, Need Input......

VMax's are scarce here too and we have millions of people in the area. I still see Crotch Rockets
flying up behind me. Normally they grab the brakes as soon as they see the Big Assed VMax
Mufflers. The legend does live on..
Not sure why many weren't sold. I personally don't like the sound. Sounds like it's struggeling to rev?? I do like the look (at least a little bit). But, I'm a picky bastard too lol (not really).

John, not sure if someone asked, or if you didn't want to say, but if you don't mind me asking how much the pipes ran ya?
yea i could see them not catching on for $650 when thats double the price of other slipons and 2/3 the price of a full system.
Hey Sean. You're assessment of it sounds like it's struggling is correct. Except for the pipes the bike is still stock and I had just cranked it before I turned the video camera on. The first crank of the day I have to apply a touch of choke to keep the rpms up around 1200/1300 until the motor gets a little heat soaked. After that the struggle sound at low idle throttle snap is gone for the rest of the riding day. I tried a dynojet kit 3 yrs. ago with a K&N but never could get it adjusted properly even after several tech calls to dynojet and several PAJ changes so I just put it back stock. Gas mileage went from 45 to 25 with the kit. I measured the inside diameter of the exhaust discharge pipe and it is .865 and they stick into the can 4 3/4". John