I may catch some flack for saying this, but I didn't buy the V-Max to be the fastest bike. We all know it's not. I bought this bike because they're neat, it does have some get up, and I wanted to throw some miles down on it.
Sure I've gotten on it and had the front wheel off the ground, but I guarantee you I spend WAY more time on both wheels than one, and at the speed limit vs double it.
The seat will be getting fixed, but I'm not talking about cramped in my ass, it's some place where the seat isn't effecting me where I cramp, right in my groin, in the bend of the leg, at the hip.
If I was that worried about going fast, I wouldn't have boughten a V-Max, I would have gotten a 'Busa instead. I love my Max, and look forward to putting tons of miles on it and touring it around the country, just not with the standard pegs on it. I pray for 90 miles to pass so I can stop and get off to fuel at this point in time. It shouldn't be that way.