Float stuck need to get home

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I had a main jet back its way out of the jet block and fall into the bowl. That certainly caused a bunch of excess fuel but didn't result in any overflowing.
Point being it seems like in the time it would take you to do all these tests to confirm which carb it is, then empty/fill/flush the thing you could just pull the carbs and give them a quick look thru. Its really not that hard of a process. Just my 2 cents.
i just had this same problem. 1st i drained the carb then i took about foot. of clear plastic tubing and pushed it over the small black drain tube. i sprayed b12 chemtool carb cleaner in to the tube till i had about 2 inches showing in the clear tube. I tied the tube up so the carb cleaner couldn't run out and let it sit over night. I then turned the ign key and let the carb fill then drained it again. It worked no gas pouring out the drain tube.