How does the Democratic minority leader really feel

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This is a little off topic, but it's my thread:eusa_dance: Can anyone tell me how snoop dogg can go from being a drug dealing pimp. Real hookers, and a mediocre
entertainer (IMO) that's biggest message is ho's and pot, to sesame st, The Obama white house, and a cooking show with Martha Stewart?????:ummm:

America has a celebrity worship problem. Has had it for a really long time. But I have no idea how they deem people famous. The same reason they elevate Snoop to his status is probably the same empty reasons we have to see Kim Kardashians face all the damn time. I've been seeing some other dude name Action Bronson circulating that everyone loves for some reason. And I can't figure out why he's so famous. I don't get it.
I believe that was Paula Dean. Martha Stewart is now on a cooking show with Snoop Dogg.

Kronx is a great guy, met him a couple of years ago at Eureka springs.

You're an awesome guy yourself. That rally was the 1st and only time I've rode with other people since I've had my VMax. I was nervous since I don't fit in here in St. Louis that I wouldn't fit in there. But everyone was so kind and welcoming.

And few folks really made an impression on me because when talking with them they treated me like it wasn't the first time we met. Like we had done a few of these rallies together a few times even though this my first. You were one of those few.

Hoping to do it again some time.
100% correct. Thats why I'm neither. I wish libertarian didnt sound so much like liberal. We are nothing alike.

Your comment reminded me of how Martha Stewart (I think thats who it was) lost her entire career over the admission that she said the "N-word" back in the day. I work with old folks and I occasionally still hear that and other words that have been retired for the most part. I dont get worked up, they came up in a different time and I consider that. Why was anyone surprised when the Duck Dynasty guys had different views and voiced them? Further, why did anyone really care? If you dont agree with them, if they offend you, STOP WATCHING THEM! Right?

I'm going to go ahead and say that those that get their feelings hurt so easily lack fundamental adaptability and are ill equipped to fully function in life. True diversity includes all the Martha Stewarts and Duck Dynasty guys along with all the other folks from other lands and lifestyles.

I dont get offended by liberals, I dont care. Disagree with me, its all good.

What I find truly offensive, more offensive than anything on this side of cutting the fenders out of a classic Bronco, pizza with pineapple on it. I see it and I want to lurch. Just the sight of it makes me wonder who could do such a terrible thing to a perfectly good pie. What do I do about it? I leave it at the buffet for the next guy that might like it rather than protesting to have it removed from the menu. I really think folks need to relax and take a dose of tolerance.

Your alright! I hope we get to ride together one day :cheers:

Even Hawaiians are offended by that pizza. When I was stationed at Hickam AFB in Hawaii they called a pizza with pineapple on it a "haole" pizza. Haole is their slang word for white people.

There is a problem with liberals needing a thicker skin. Hell recently a rather infamous liberal Bill Mahr even called liberals out on it. My favorite line:

"Democrats too often remind people of a man who has taken his balls out and put them in his wife's purse. And please someone Tweet me that that was somehow inappropriate so I can tell you go to fuck yourself."
A great PR rep

I think your right on the money, but the rep appears to be the music industry. If you look for 10 seconds, you can watch almost the same "performers" circulated over, and over. At least lately, Beyonce, Jay Z, lady gaga, Katy Perry, Nikki Minaj, Bruno Mars. There's a few more, but these names and faces are constantly everywhere. Maybe even one or two of them at the superbowl. I would almost have to say, there's more than meets the eye, with this little "musical" click.
This is a little off topic, but it's my thread:eusa_dance: Can anyone tell me how snoop dogg can go from being a drug dealing pimp. Real hookers, and a mediocre
entertainer (IMO) that's biggest message is ho's and pot, to sesame st, The Obama white house, and a cooking show with Martha Stewart?????:ummm:

I heard Snoop Dogg try to rap and was not a fan at all but saw him in a couple other things and appreciated the satire of it. He's not a bad entertainer at all. As for visiting Obama in the white house, the requirements are quite low as evidenced by his past guest list.

Oh yea, and this happened yesterday

When will it end!!?? :rofl_200:

Oh, thank you Eric for correcting me on the name, I had it wrong, my bad.

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