September Dues Increase

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2007
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Decatur, MI
FYI: To all VMOA members... Make sure you renew your membership before September to save the $10 price increase. Just thought I would remind everyone about what was stated in the Vboost.
$10 increase :confused2: AYFKM......

Due to increased operating costs, mainly printing of Vboost and store items, we have had to increase the dues. There has not been a dues increase in some time and we should have had a $5 increase a while ago but didn't. A decision was made that in order to cover our increased costs and begin to build our funding level to a level high enough to start sponsoring events again etc. we needed a $10 increase. To put this in perspective take note that this is less than 1 tank of fuel in your Vmax and less than $0.04 per day. Any raise in dues is a serious decision and trust me this was not easy to do.
Yes, I do understand Jim... But, a few of my buddy's bailed out after the last increase. And, it'll be ever harder to sell a new person a $40 membership. I am however looking forward to these up and coming improvements.
Yes, I do understand Jim... But, a few of my buddy's bailed out after the last increase. And, it'll be ever harder to sell a new person a $40 membership. I am however looking forward to these up and coming improvements.

People bailing was definitely a discussion topic when determining how much the increase should be. One thought was to do a phased increase over a couple of years. We didn't go this route as the optics of multiple increases, no matter that they were smaller than the increase we needed, would be seen as a money grab. Our Treasurer did a risk analysis based upon several factors and at different increase levels ($5, 10, 20, etc.) to see where we stood in regards to membership loss, income raised, and benefits we need to return to proving (cost thereof). Using this we determined that a $10 increase would allow us in to raise enough to start looking at sponsoring events next year. We are also going to be putting out a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Vboost magazine and are hoping to see some cost savings at the end of that process as well. In order for the VMOA to remain a viable club there sometimes is occasion where the hard decisions must be made. The Board of Directors also understands that we need to ensure that the members see the value for their money. The responsibility to the membership lies with us and we are working hard to enhance the membership experience. First change for the better will be the new website. Along the way we are looking at other changes that hopefully will help members, former members, and prospective new members see the benefits of joining.

I also invite people with questions, comments, and/or concerns to contact me at any time either by PM here or email: [email protected]
:ummm: Hey Jim, I've been a member since 97 and have not seen one thing I would buy or wear in the store? All that stuff is odd to put it nicely. I don't care about a $10 raise in dues as you say that's 2 gallons of good gas. Good Luck to you, Spurs
Most of the shirts are pretty cool I think. I've got dozens of them, all black or grey.

$10 bucks shouldn't be a big deal..I mean really, it's not even a 12 pack of beer,.....I'd like to see the event sponsorship come back for the smaller events that aren't based in the North....
I have no problem with a dues increase if knowing the club will benefit as a whole... I have no problem with that at all if it is used for positive rebuilding of the club. I'll pony that up and more...

BUT... if the increase is in part so the VMOA can "sponsor" events?

Jim, you slip that in all of your write ups.

What is in that for the benefit/health of the VMOA as a whole?

The club needs to be good, healthy and strong with new and exciting offerings available to the entire worldwide club membership before the words "sponsor" should ever even be whispered...

We can barely publish the VBoost... the website is archaic at best... the tired store offerings were mentioned above...

G Man
When I lived in Mexico for six years, I ended up cancelling my magazine subscriptions as the mail system there does not work!

Hasta luego.
I have no problem with a dues increase if knowing the club will benefit as a whole... I have no problem with that at all if it is used for positive rebuilding of the club. I'll pony that up and more...

BUT... if the increase is in part so the VMOA can "sponsor" events?

Jim, you slip that in all of your write ups.

What is in that for the benefit/health of the VMOA as a whole?

The club needs to be good, healthy and strong with new and exciting offerings available to the entire worldwide club membership before the words "sponsor" should ever even be whispered...

We can barely publish the VBoost... the website is archaic at best... the tired store offerings were mentioned above...

G Man

"Sponsoring" sanctioned events was something the VMOA had done for years. I am not talking about Thunder or Bike Week in Daytona, this was for smaller events put on by the members. The requirements are laid out in our bylaws as to what an event has to do to be sanctioned (the main rule is that it has to be announced in the Vboost). There are cost limits, usually try to keep the cost under $10/attendee, and limits as to what the VMOA would reimburse the organizer for. The primary use of this was to help pay for food at a BBQ or meal during the ride. Unlike what Dave Tavares said, and he does know better as a former Regional Director, the VMOA did not lay out any funds for Thunder this year and it was a huge success. The intent is for us to help out smaller events.

As for your last line, we have a new website coming online soon. Once we get our funding levels up and the store inventory down to a more manageable level we will start working on offering new products. We have been offering our older stock at a discounted rate to help us do this.
When the term sponser is used it seems one needs to be very clear what that actually means. I know no VMOA money was used for the last Thunder as it should be. But in the past that was not always the case. Any yes, it likely was my procrastination in changing my address that caused me not receiving the Vboost. I may be wrong but the mag isn't forwarded. I do have all my mail from MA. fowarded to an address in Coronado and pick it up locally. Funny how it works but the bills always seem to find me. I have been trying to contact Paul but have not been able as yet. I may be in Mexico but I haven't fallen off the end of Baja and live only 30 miles from San Diego. If you look on my profile in MA. on the VMOA website my correct address in CA. is shown. Feel free to send me a Vboost.
David Tavares
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When the term sponser is used it seems one needs to be very clear what that actually means. I know no VMOA money was used for the last Thunder as it should be. But in the past that was not always the case. Any yes, it likely was my procrastination in changing my address that caused me not receiving the Vboost. I may be wrong but the mag isn't forwarded. I do have all my mail from MA. fowarded to an address in Coronado and pick it up locally. Funny how it works but the bills always seem to find me. But of course it could have been Jasse just omiting sending me one like as happened in the past. I have been trying to contact Paul but have not been able as yet. I may be in Mexico but I haven't fallen off the end of Baja and live only 30 miles from San Diego. If you look on my profile in MA. on the VMOA website my correct address in CA. is shown. Feel free to send me a Vboost.
David Tavares


The Vboost will not be forwarded, we use a bulk mailing service to save some money. I will have one sent out to you. Realizing you may not have been aware of the mailing method, I wish you would have contacted me once you tried to contact Paul and were unsuccessful. I would also like you to think about what you say about people here or on any forum. While you may not like Steve your comments could be construed as slander and even though you are not a VMOA Director anymore, we all have to remember that we all represent our club. You may very well be someones first contact wth the club and venting in public turns off folks.
:ummm: Hey, I moved also and didn't recieve a copy. Can you send me one to my new address too. Thanks, Spurs
A dues increase may be easier to handle if the membership had a timeline as to when these new changes/improvements were going to take place.

It is unfortunate (and not your fault) but if changes are referred to simply as something that will happen sometime in the future, some folks (excluding the kool-aid drinkers) may debate renewing a more expensive membership.

Just my 2 cents.

Sometimes I'm naive so I have to ask, What is a cool-aid drinker? Is that supposed to be a slur?

A dues increase may be easier to handle if the membership had a timeline as to when these new changes/improvements were going to take place.

It is unfortunate (and not your fault) but if changes are referred to simply as something that will happen sometime in the future, some folks (excluding the kool-aid drinkers) may debate renewing a more expensive membership.

Just my 2 cents.

Its a metaphor for people who blindly follow.
ie. Jim Jones' cult followers (hence cool-aid drinker)

....... hence many liberals / moderates who never fact check many main stream media / white house / congress lies . If 500 + people are running this country , they are content with the way it's going . They have the power to change it for the better. They only want the power .
At the present time I won’t be renewing my VMOA membership. Increasing my donation here seems to make more sense for me right now. I get what I need right here and then some. There are some great people in the VMOA for sure. Many belong to the VMF too. Public bickering has worn me down. A lack of member input into the decisions that are made has always bothered me too. I wish the VMOA the best of luck. Jim, Dave, Kelvin and the rest of the hard working volunteers, a big thank you.
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