Typical...another WTF moment.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Riverside, Ca
Finally get the running issue figured out and all that bla bla bla...and then....:bang head:

I notice Ive got a bad left fork seal.Starting to make a little puddle on my driveway.
Any suggestions on my next move? Tight budget right now but dont wanna have my shocks go ALL the way out.

Rebuild em?(who sells a kit?)
Replace em?
Bandaid fix em?
Any other forks that will bolt up?

Just another day in paradise right?
lookin online I found fork seals are VERY cheap. Its leaking from the fork seal so
can that be my only problem?
How hard is throwin the new ones in?

Sorry lots of questions...never did forks before.
correct. Don't waste your money on the "leak proof" crappy seals. Good OEM seals is the only way to go. You can likely reuse your dust seals to save a few bucks. Still looking at $60+ for seals.

the early fork seals are expensive as shit. think $90 for the oil seal/dust seal and circlip. its rediculous. later 43mm are like $40.

do it right. replace all of 'em. thats my vote tho. i know its not what u want to hear. if ur interested in possibly doing an internal lowering kit for free, send me a PM i have an idea with my progressive kit.
+1 on using OEM seals only. Plus doing wheelies makes the seals leak!:biglaugh:
Well it looks like ive got a rebuild in my near future...bummer.

NOT looking forward to this one. O'WELL GOTTA DO IT!

Yeah thought about lowering her but my secondary cooling fan will hit the fender even more often if I do and here in California I NEED that fan.

Yeah I did ALOT more wheelies before the new bars,been havin trouble keepin that front end off the ground with all my weight on the front now,thinkin that might have somthing to do with the unexpected fork seal blow out as well.More weight on them all the time.

So looks like ill go OEM on all the parts from youre guys experience.Anyone sell a kit or do I need to call and order all the parts at once from a bike shop?
Are you still using air in your forks or do you have after market springs? If you still use air, only use a bicycle pump to fill them up and not a compressor.
Yes I have stock ones. I try use a bike pump usually. Took a short cut a few times and used a compressor then let the pressor down...suppose that has alot to do with it to.
if it just started to leak might just be some dirt in the seal, ive taken wire or a pick run it around the fork under the seal and it clears out what was jammed in there and causing the leak. worth a shot and cant get any cheaper, works lots on dirt bikes.
yea actually i can't help ya out, my spring kit is for 43mm forks. sorry 'bout that.

i'd go thru sean. he probably has them on hand and is within 5% of the cheapest out there. he beat bike bandits prices when i ordered from him.
Actually the best thing to clean a seal is old 35mm film negative cut into a J shape.

What usually ruins them is bugs and wheelies... You come down hard and a bug gets crammed under the seal ruining it.

New springs with the way you ride it, would be HUGE! Along with some 15wt oil.

im no air compression pro, but mine held 50 psi just fine, i think ur ok using a compressor. a seal is a seal!!
im no air compression pro, but mine held 50 psi just fine, i think ur ok using a compressor. a seal is a seal!!

No they're not. Seals are pressure rated and you shouldn't be pumping 50 psi into the VMax forks.
they're just some rubber with a spring pressed into place. not a lot holding them in.

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