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  1. tfisher65

    Should I buy?? 1986 Vmax

    Tranny work can take some time so you might consider paying him rather than supplying him beer.:rofl_200:
  2. tfisher65

    Latest Cycle Canada

    For the incredible low price of $9.99 you can own your very own Jim Rodgers Bobblehead. Just send a self addressed 40' shipping container (so the head will fit) along with $199.99 (includes handling charges) to me!:rofl_200:
  3. tfisher65

    What year vmax is the best

    Ah yes, the carb chains.:biglaugh:
  4. tfisher65

    What year vmax is the best

    Yeah, those fork shields give you an extra 10hp.:rofl_200:
  5. tfisher65

    2004 VMAX Idle Issues And More

    If the bike pulls hard from 4k up then I would suspect the idle circuit. 4k is where the mains start to kick in. BTW - welcome to the forum.
  6. tfisher65


    Welcome. How does your Max compare to your other ride... yes the 49cc dirtbike.:rofl_200:
  7. tfisher65

    Toxic update

    Did Tom clean the inside of the tank or is that how it looked when he opened it up? No sign of ethanol rusting.
  8. tfisher65

    Ride to Hell!!

    Yeah, I'm thinking Sarnia and over.
  9. tfisher65

    Ride to Hell!!

    Gary, count me in. Looks like a great day trip.
  10. tfisher65

    2010 Spring Ice Breaker

    Angelo's has been on the market for at least the last year or so.
  11. tfisher65

    Saved a tiny life today...

    Don't get me wrong, I love animals, grew up on a farm but I'm more a of dog person. Being as this was a helpless kitten, I applaud you! I would like to think I would have done the same. However a cat on the road is fair game in my books. Here kitty, kitty, kitty.
  12. tfisher65

    These are the problems to have!

    Congrat's on your purchase Rob. Personally I'm a Sony man. Between Samsung and Sharp, I would have picked the Sharp only becasue my wife used to work in customer service at Leon's and Samsung was the worst for warranty, service and % of defects. That being said, my inlaws and my parents both...
  13. tfisher65

    First ride of season, almost my last..

    Rob, good to hear you're around to tell your story. It's a good reminder for us all. I just completed my first 40 mile ride of the season. Lots of sand out there so easy on the corners. Even though winter seemed short this year (although I know it's not over), how quick I forgot the feeling of...
  14. tfisher65

    Dyna Ignition

  15. tfisher65


    Hey, maybe he named his horse VMax.:rofl_200:Although that wouldn't explain the computer!
  16. tfisher65


    Mike, you're not Amish are you?:worthy:
  17. tfisher65

    Small turn signals?

    I bought them through Blue Streak Racing $75 US a pair. I did have to install two resistors, one on each side ($16 a pair for Oberon's with heat sink). I also machined up...
  18. tfisher65

    Small turn signals?

    Put a full set of Oberon's on this winter. They are brighter and more visible than stock.
  19. tfisher65

    5th Annual Spring Ice Breaker

    When are the Redbone girls going to be there?:biglaugh:
  20. tfisher65

    Oil leak

    The crankcase vents into the airbox. Oil in the airbox indicates too much oil in the case. However, it is not uncommon. I keep mine topped up to the top of the sight glass and it does blow a little into the airbox with extended high speed riding.:biglaugh: