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  1. J

    My Max got a little brother last week

    what model , make, year and cc is this bike ? I really like it !!
  2. J

    Layed my max down Video

    Lots of A5 3 5 Rubbed on, and calcium/magnesium has worked pretty good. wont be ridding for a few days. I'll ride the Honda shadow as its a very light bike later. I'm a little guy and I do find the Vmax on the heavy side "top heavy". I'm 135lbs soaking wet, LOL
  3. J

    Layed my max down Video

    Thanks for sharing.............I don't feel like the only one now who takes challenging trails now, LOL.
  4. J

    Layed my max down Video

    It bent the crash bar, the clutch lever, the shifter lever, and mirror. I can feel pulled muscles in my upper back tonight. Man these bikes are heavy when in mud. There was NO way I was gonna get it up alone.
  5. J

    Layed my max down Video

    Was heading out to my new acreage listening to my tunes, not paying attention...and down I went. Tried picking up the bike , but it was stuck in gumbo mud. I had to walk 2 miles to the neighbours and use there phone to call my boy to help me...
  6. J

    Then and Now... 20 Years Later.

    Fantastic. !! You just cant replace those times.
  7. J

    sound system on a Max ? oh ya.....

    Yes,...its very loud. My buddy rides a 1500 Vulcan with straight Pipes and he can still hear his even with his insanely loud bike at highway speed.
  8. J

    sound system on a Max ? oh ya.....

    How do you install a sound system on a Max ??? You don't.! You buy an "Ultimate Ears Boom box". LOL I got this cool device from my wife as a 25th Anniversary present. Its loud, durable, water proof & Blue tooth compatible. I can run it from my phone with SiriusXM Satellite music, or plug in my...
  9. J

    Dash Cam

    well here is my crapy video. I set the camera to close to the windshield and got a bit of reflection,..arrgg. Maybe I'll put some actual effort into it and make a much better review later, LOL
  10. J

    Dash Cam

    I can set the loop for 2, 3, and 5 minutes or turn it off completely. I'm going to set it back to 5 minutes. The camera is sold at Staples. It was $149. the make is Dod Ls 360w. The reviews are pretty good for clarity & night time driving. here is a link-
  11. J

    Dash Cam

    I just came back from an hour road trip and watched some of the video. I must say ,I'm impressed. There is no jiggle, shaking, or blurriness what so ever. Not a whole bunch of crazy wind noise either. The lighting is very good in late evening as well. gonna wait till its totally dark and try it...
  12. J

    Dash Cam

    well then......Sooner or later something is bound to show up, LOL
  13. J

    Dash Cam

    I can use it on my Bike, Bus, and car. No more " he sais, she said". Video speaks the truth. Might even catch something interesting. Its on an 8 hour loop.
  14. J

    How Stupid Are We ?

    Sorry didnt mean to ruffle your feathers. enjoy your weekend.
  15. J

    How Stupid Are We ?

    show me some examples of them "helping your country or mine" and I'll eat my words. LOL Just 1 example of how close they are- They have a very strong grip on your Red White & Blue Harley Davidson. They have a factory in Bawl India that is running day & night to keep up with the demand. They...
  16. J

    How Stupid Are We ?

    I'm 100% with the OP on this one. In the last 5 years, they have taken over our Tow truck company's,..our Taxi cabs, our Fast food restaurants,...pushed out our white doctors & nurses, radiologists, X-ray techs, and they are TERRIBLE at their jobs! I had a Muslim doctor operate on me & he...
  17. J

    need gas tank

    Update -1 week later. Tank is staying spotless & rust free. Filters show NO dirt "clear". The bike is running strong .....carbs working great. My buddy is running 2 stroke oil in his Harley now. It was running like crap, and is now running better. his bike is only 3 years old & rust was...
  18. J

    So frustrating!!

    check you fuel filter ! If it has brown sandy stuff in it......check your tank with a strong led flash light, and look for rust. I just went through something like this a few weeks ago. Had the carbs off 4 times cleaning them. It would run good for a day and then run like crap again. It takes...
  19. J

    need gas tank

    2 stroke oil Update. I have a 2002 Honda 750 shadow Spirit. It tops out at 160kms if your not going into heavy wind. It takes a lot of road to get it up to that speed. So I figured I would through some low ash outboard 2 stroke oil in the fuel. I toped off the tank, then I put in 1/2 tea spoon...
  20. J

    What Would YOU Do?

    LOL.... I live in a farming area and you see a lot of these High sprayers creeping down the highway...and yes ,..for a brief moment I thought hmmmm.......and then I say to myself " are you serious"...LOL Sure looks likes there's enough room........doesn't it ?