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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
I took this picture on the way home from work the other day.

Sure was tempting... :biglaugh:

Reminds me of one of the East Berlin Germans running the gate w/a lowered sportscar to get to the west when the Berlin Wall was erected.
I took this picture on the way home from work the other day.

Sure was tempting... :biglaugh:


I have done it twice, some have a down tube on the right of center underneath you have to watch out for. That looks like a small one tho lol. The larger farms have ones you can damn near drive a truck under

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LOL.... I live in a farming area and you see a lot of these High sprayers creeping down the highway...and yes ,..for a brief moment I thought hmmmm.......and then I say to myself " are you serious"...LOL
Sure looks likes there's enough room........doesn't it ?
LOL...but arent we practicing REVERSE Darwinism now? We are keeping the old, the aged, the infirm, and the STUPID alive?

Interesting question, Hawk.
When do we draw the line between the natural aging process, and the advances of medicine, that are able to keep people "alive", even thought they may be infirm, demented, of no useful purpose to society, and a financial burden on their family as well as the state?
Canada, thanks in large part to our newly-elected (very) Liberal government, is currently fast-tracking legal physician-assisted euthanasia.
I'd like to see a compromise. For the families that can afford the entire cost, just keep one small body part alive, until such time that science has a cure for what killed the person, and then clone the part back into a complete being again.
I think Woody Allen used this scenario in one of his movies? Seems they were keeping a nose alive?
Sorry, I'm in a silly mood.
Interesting question, Hawk.
When do we draw the line between the natural aging process, and the advances of medicine, that are able to keep people "alive", even thought they may be infirm, demented, of no useful purpose to society, and a financial burden on their family as well as the state?
Canada, thanks in large part to our newly-elected (very) Liberal government, is currently fast-tracking legal physician-assisted euthanasia.
I'd like to see a compromise. For the families that can afford the entire cost, just keep one small body part alive, until such time that science has a cure for what killed the person, and then clone the part back into a complete being again.
I think Woody Allen used this scenario in one of his movies? Seems they were keeping a nose alive?
Sorry, I'm in a silly mood.

Years ago, as I was working towards my paramedic, I worked in a Nursing home as a nurses aid. It tends to give you a different perspective on life, as well as being a humbling job.

There were people that have no awareness, no quality of life, you turned them ever 2 hrs. The families saw them 1-2 times a year. These people were in the upper 90's -lower 100's. No matter what, these people were being kept alive, sometimes with a tube in every orifice that they had.

I always kinda wondered if the family members secretly hated them.....or felt guilty, and so wanted to keep them alive at all costs......but then felt guilty, so never came for a visit, or even stopped by to read to them, or to just spend time with them.

I'm not saying euthanize them.....but they werent being allowed to die either.
Years ago, as I was working towards my paramedic, I worked in a Nursing home as a nurses aid. It tends to give you a different perspective on life, as well as being a humbling job.

There were people that have no awareness, no quality of life, you turned them ever 2 hrs. The families saw them 1-2 times a year. These people were in the upper 90's -lower 100's. No matter what, these people were being kept alive, sometimes with a tube in every orifice that they had.

I always kinda wondered if the family members secretly hated them.....or felt guilty, and so wanted to keep them alive at all costs......but then felt guilty, so never came for a visit, or even stopped by to read to them, or to just spend time with them.

I'm not saying euthanize them.....but they werent being allowed to die either.
They are now being allowed in California as of yesterday. Actually it was June 4---

They are now being allowed in California as of yesterday.

That would be a good thing.

Well let me clarify a bit. Someone can have a power of attorney, and they can withhold medical treatment. Such as some one is 99 years old, had a stroke, no quality of life, and they develop a staph infection. There were families in the past, that still wanted everything done for their mom/dad.....etc, and wanted to keep the body alive at all cost.

For me personally, let me go, cremate me, scatter my ashes to the winds, have a wake in my honor, laugh and discuss my life.
LOL.... I live in a farming area and you see a lot of these High sprayers creeping down the highway...and yes ,..for a brief moment I thought hmmmm.......and then I say to myself " are you serious"...LOL
Sure looks likes there's enough room........doesn't it ?

There's plenty of room. I was very skeptic but a fellow worker ran under on his cbr and figured why not. May I also add that I work at an agricultural dealership and we also have a very large farm next door and the driver had agreed to let us run under it. Miles, no need for the book, I know how stupid the human race is, but don't knock it till ya try it. Lots of things we have today in our homes were stupid ideas at one point. Not like we're looking down the barrel of a loaded gun with a finger on the trigger haha

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That would be a good thing.

Well let me clarify a bit. Someone can have a power of attorney, and they can withhold medical treatment. Such as some one is 99 years old, had a stroke, no quality of life, and they develop a staph infection. There were families in the past, that still wanted everything done for their mom/dad.....etc, and wanted to keep the body alive at all cost.

For me personally, let me go, cremate me, scatter my ashes to the winds, have a wake in my honor, laugh and discuss my life.

Interesting question, Hawk.
When do we draw the line between the natural aging process, and the advances of medicine, that are able to keep people "alive", even thought they may be infirm, demented, of no useful purpose to society, and a financial burden on their family as well as the state?
Canada, thanks in large part to our newly-elected (very) Liberal government, is currently fast-tracking legal physician-assisted euthanasia.
I'd like to see a compromise. For the families that can afford the entire cost, just keep one small body part alive, until such time that science has a cure for what killed the person, and then clone the part back into a complete being again.
I think Woody Allen used this scenario in one of his movies? Seems they were keeping a nose alive?
Sorry, I'm in a silly mood.

my father died from complications in conjunction with Alzheimer's.

towards the end he would have breif lucid moments where he would be begging us to end his life. pleading for all he was worth.

anyone against assisted death should go through that experience before they feel the need to deny access to it. better yet, go through a drug induced program that simulates alzheimers for a couple months and then try and tell me assisted death is not "humane".

its not applicable in all cases and not a decision to be taken lightly, but i know i'll blow my own ******* head off before i go through the hell my father did.....yes i dropped the f-bomb. its called for in this case.
That would be a good thing.

Well let me clarify a bit. Someone can have a power of attorney, and they can withhold medical treatment. Such as some one is 99 years old, had a stroke, no quality of life, and they develop a staph infection. There were families in the past, that still wanted everything done for their mom/dad.....etc, and wanted to keep the body alive at all cost.

For me personally, let me go, cremate me, scatter my ashes to the winds, have a wake in my honor, laugh and discuss my life.

Scatter your ashes to the wind???
We're gonna take your ashes to Thunder, load them in the gas tank of your cherished '07, and put it thru one last motherf_ _kin' DYNORUN!
Now isn't that a better idea?? :biglaugh:

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