Layed my max down Video

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I really hate that for you and the bike. Happened so fast...squish and it was over! Glad you are okay. I always dread getting off the blacktop with the bike. Dirt or gravel unnerves me. Again its good you are okay and hopefully minimal or no damage.
It bent the crash bar, the clutch lever, the shifter lever, and mirror. I can feel pulled muscles in my upper back tonight. Man these bikes are heavy when in mud. There was NO way I was gonna get it up alone.
I feel for ya, Jinks, and can relate.
The last time my Max and I went down, I was trying to make it to the family hunting camp.
Wrong move.
I was negotiating thru an always-there mud puddle, which I mistakenly remembered as not being too deep, when it fetched up, and over we went. The bike not only landed on it's side, but went further, due to the bars sinking more than the tires and engine. So about 100 degrees off upright, instead of 90.
Not too funny at the time, but hilarious to think about it now.
I did try once to get it upright, standing in calf-deep water, but soon gave up.
Only with a chainfall and a skyhook would I have been able to right it alone.
I normally carry tools, but not the above mentioned.
A man out walking his dog eventually came by, and helped me out. I didn't make it to the camp that day. Once home, I spent the next two days cleaning the bike.

V Maxes don't make good dirtbikes. Go figure.

Glad that your O.K., and that only superficial damage was done to your bike.
Cheers, and "keep the shiny side up"
p.s. .... I swear that I saw a grin on that retriever's face...............
Bummer ya went down Jinx, with the low speed drop hopefully it's only minor damage, good choice in tunes tho!.............................Tom
I feel for ya, Jinks, and can relate.
The last time my Max and I went down, I was trying to make it to the family hunting camp.
Wrong move.
I was negotiating thru an always-there mud puddle, which I mistakenly remembered as not being too deep, when it fetched up, and over we went. The bike not only landed on it's side, but went further, due to the bars sinking more than the tires and engine. So about 100 degrees off upright, instead of 90.
Not too funny at the time, but hilarious to think about it now.
I did try once to get it upright, standing in calf-deep water, but soon gave up.
Only with a chainfall and a skyhook would I have been able to right it alone.
I normally carry tools, but not the above mentioned.
A man out walking his dog eventually came by, and helped me out. I didn't make it to the camp that day. Once home, I spent the next two days cleaning the bike.

V Maxes don't make good dirtbikes. Go figure.

Glad that your O.K., and that only superficial damage was done to your bike.
Cheers, and "keep the shiny side up"
p.s. .... I swear that I saw a grin on that retriever's face...............

Thanks for sharing.............I don't feel like the only one now who takes challenging trails now, LOL.
At least it was a low-speed lowside impact. looks like the front wheel 'tucked,' and down it went. Naprosyn (Aleve) works well for me as an NSAID pain-reliever.
Naprosyn (Aleve) works well for me as an NSAID pain-reliever.

Aleve has worked well for me after my knee injury. When Im being medic offshore, I always try to talk people into either taking Aleve, or at the very minimum ibuprofen, I dont care for acetaminophen, its tough on your liver.
I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune. Bikes can be fixed, glad you are (relatively) OK.

I find that 800 mg Ibuprofen works best for me, better than Aleve. At that dosage it is a muscle relaxant.
Lots of A5 3 5 Rubbed on, and calcium/magnesium has worked pretty good. wont be ridding for a few days. I'll ride the Honda shadow as its a very light bike later. I'm a little guy and I do find the Vmax on the heavy side "top heavy". I'm 135lbs soaking wet, LOL
I remember when I had my first Vmax as a kid. I crashed it in some gravel on a long left hand sweeper. My buddy, and reason for the wreck (well...let's say partial reason) stopped his Mustang Cobra and ran to the side of the road to find where I had slid off into the tall weeds. I had so much adrenaline coursing through my body that I picked up the bike and tossed it to him so hard that he caught it from the left side and promptly fell down with the bike on that side. It was much later that I realized exactly how heavy the Max truly is! Adrenaline does some crazy things to your body.

That said, I'm glad the OP is mostly uninjured. And I wish I could be 135 pounds! Just to feel what my bike would accelerate like at that weight...holy crap!
Sorry to hear about your mishap, I can certainly relate. I bought a bike dolly and the first time I tried to drive up on it the dolly started to move ( it wasn't supposed to move at all ) I got pissed and said about twice as many "*****" as you did. I sure hope there wasn't any major damage.
With mine when I dropped it, well it was more like a slow let down, I fought it the whole way down and it landed with my end of handlebar touching the ground first. Oh yeah, this all happened in my garage. Well anyway when I tried to lift it up I did but was a bit too much adrenaline in my system so when I lifted it up the fell the other side head::bang head:

So this all happened in my garage the 1 or 2 week I bought my 2015 , I was lucky and only scratched a few covers so I ended up with about $400 in parts now good ass new. Glad you didn't get hurt.

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