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  1. Falaholic

    Draw your own conclusion

    Such a rich and vibrant culture.
  2. Falaholic

    Those of you getting ~40mpg...

    Well after my lumber-of-love incident today, I filled up. 48.5 miles and 1.311 gallons. I'm getting 37mpg. 1/4 of the way into my trip I remembered to turn VBoost off, just in case it opens at cruising HWY speeds. Majority of my speed was 70-80. I'll give it a shot around 60 next time.
  3. Falaholic

    PSA: Give consideration to using a windshield

    Thanks for all the kind words everyone. What I would like of everyone is to help me figure out and source the windshield. I liked it, didn't buffer, enough coverage and not be a sail. If additional photos are needed, please let me know.
  4. Falaholic

    PSA: Give consideration to using a windshield

    Hwy, going with flow of traffic. 80mph, in left lane; HOV. Truck & trailer 75mph, lane to the right of HOV. 2x4x18 caught air, hit my windshield, went right through, and hit me; chest and left shoulder. Windshield exploded and sprayed my full face helmet. Hit to the chest was hard enough...
  5. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    Perfect, got it. It all now makes sense.
  6. Falaholic

    Those of you getting ~40mpg...

    Are ya'll doing it on ethanol free gas?
  7. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    This is where I got lost. My understanding is that the entire system is venting off of the AUX tank. What I don't understand is why the main tank's vent tube was extended further up the track, but then plugged. Why not just plug it without extending it?
  8. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    Ok, I think we got alot of the confusion out of the way. My plan to do an AUX tank was to block off the vent, and drill right into my filler cap. Barb fitting, and open line straight to the AUX tank. Fill up main tank as usual, place cap back on, proceed to fill up AUX tank. By the time the...
  9. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    Ah, so no canister, then there should be only one line...leading to the atmosphere. Curious though, the canister has two lines, I can only assume that one line leads to the atmosphere, but where would the second line lead to?
  10. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    By feeding at 14, you are fueling the main tank, and fueling the engine? If you have the main tank's vent tube blocked off, to prevent over fueling/spilling. How is the main tank venting when it is being fed by the AUX tank?
  11. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    Ah, thank you. If you know, can you please explain how the tip over works, with there being a canister, and two (42/34) lines?
  12. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    I'm confused trying to wrap my head around the dilemma . Perhaps I'm placing my own variables into the equation. If your draining the AUX into the main taink, you will need to plug the main tank's vent tube, and just have the AUX vented cap do the work? Is this correct and will it work?
  13. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    Someone help me out here. Which line is the vent, main fuel line, and overflow. Schematic fuel
  14. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    Please excuse me, but I can't seem to wrap my head around this. If the cap is vented, then the air pressure inside the main tank is always nominal. Is it because the sudden amount of AUX fuel going into the main tank, and the main cap can't vent the residual pressure?
  15. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup

    Please more info on this. My original thought was to drill into the main cap and run a line from the AUX tank to the main cap.
  16. Falaholic

    Tour Tank Setup
  17. Falaholic

    Biker gang shooting, TX
  18. Falaholic

    What supplies the additional fuel when VBoost kicks in

    Next question. Is the transfer tube right at the venturi?
  19. Falaholic

    What supplies the additional fuel when VBoost kicks in

    Since the carb is getting additional fuel from the adjacent carb, how is it getting the additional fuel with the advent of the additional air?
  20. Falaholic

    Thunder 2015 - its official!

    Alright guys, here's what I found in regard to Ethanol free stations: 25 mins out