PSA: Give consideration to using a windshield

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2015
Reaction score
S.E. Fla




Hwy, going with flow of traffic. 80mph, in left lane; HOV. Truck & trailer 75mph, lane to the right of HOV. 2x4x18 caught air, hit my windshield, went right through, and hit me; chest and left shoulder.

Windshield exploded and sprayed my full face helmet.
Hit to the chest was hard enough, feel that the windshield took the brunt of the impact.
Didn't down the bike.
Managed to flag down the driver. Got his info.

Now need new windshield before Thunder :( .
Dayum... glad to hear you and the bike came out (relatively) ok. Not sure if that makes you real unlucky or lucky... or both. You should buy a lotto ticket just in case.
UMMM>... pretty much what everyone else said, but that's nuts. I'm glad you weren't seriously injured.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone.
What I would like of everyone is to help me figure out and source the windshield. I liked it, didn't buffer, enough coverage and not be a sail.
If additional photos are needed, please let me know.
That could have turned out nasty. Glad you're good to go. We have a lot of tough nuts on this forum. :clapping::clapping::clapping: