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  1. maleko89

    Torque wrench replacement

    I've had Harbor Freight versions (Pittsburgh) the last 10-12 years and worked out great for me. Nothing that I've torqued has fallen off yet at least lol.
  2. maleko89

    85' carb cable??

    It doesn't fit anywhere; it's just a stop so cable doesn't open too far. You just need to fit the one at the end into the linkage.
  3. maleko89

    Balancer Shaft Timing

    PM @Damon. It's not free and comes on a DVD. Well worth the few bucks to have it.
  4. maleko89

    Carbs are disolving alloy bungs!!! HELP

    I remember someone using CLR as a carb cleaner and turned powdery like that.
  5. maleko89

    Fuel in exhaust pipe

    170 DJ size? Way too rich as Cobras are very restrictive. I’d reset with stock jetting except with 150 mains….160 if you don’t have those. Reevaluate and then try dj 170 or 185 pilot air jet #2. Cheers. Mark
  6. maleko89

    How long does it take to remove/install carbs?

    Lift the coolant expansion tank up and off to the side. That will make attaching that hose easier.
  7. maleko89

    1 and 3 cylinders not hitting.

    Resistance test isn't always 100% to determine good or bad p/u coil. A small handheld oscilloscope is helpful seeing the signal from p/u to ignitor and from ignitor to primary coils. Or, if you have an aftermarket ignition unit, you can see p/u signals being registered.... with an LED light on...
  8. maleko89

    Need help with adjusting floats

    Such a small pee-hole in those things. Bypass holes below throttle plates are a pain too sometimes.
  9. maleko89

    Need help with adjusting floats

    Might want to think about removing and disassembling the jet blocks to clean the pilot fuel jet and emulsion tube.
  10. maleko89

    Need help with adjusting floats

    That one looks good.
  11. maleko89

    1 and 3 cylinders not hitting.

    Check p/u coils. There are two, one for front cylinders and one for rears. Unfortunately they must be replaced as a set. The plugs will fire when key is turned on and again when off. That’s normal and happens regardless of p/u coil condition.
  12. maleko89

    85- 5000 miles

    '85's should have the pressed "Vmax". Raised lettering was '86 and forward.
  13. maleko89

    Barnett spring conversion

    Never had a weak spring induced slipping clutch. Only bad plates and friction disks or with hydraulics issue (old fluid, lines, bad slave). Current spring had 20K on it with no slip before it was converted to Barnett. My old '89 had 60K with original spring before I went to PCW just because...
  14. maleko89

    Barnett spring conversion

    Barnett does increase lever effort by about 20%.
  15. maleko89

    Can’t find neutral at a stop.

    Unfortunately, the gear claw is fixed and not adjustable. Check shifter lever adjustment. If too low, it will bind. I had that issue when I tried positioning it like a rearset setup. I've also had strange things or lever feel change with a bad slave cylinder. Make sure bleeder valve is...
  16. maleko89

    Float level adjustment

    I use a digital caliper to get them all at 1.125" between the inner float bowl to top of float. Wet level always checks to 17 mm which is the leanest you want to go. I'm sure @dannymax could tell us about his ingenious self-made tool. Right Dan-o? Hehe.
  17. maleko89

    Flywheel cover won't come off

    Flywheel has a good amount of magnetic pull so will take a bit of effort. Tap around the gasket area with a rubber mallet to make sure sticky gasket isn't holding it up too.
  18. maleko89

    What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

    Can you get a small, thin flat blade screw driver under the head? Then pry upward while turning screw to see if the screw releases.
  19. maleko89

    EFI conversion on a Gen-1

    Very cool. Wondering if this program could be loaded onto small permanent module under seat so it could always autotune. I'm thinking for elevation, humidity, seasonal type of changes. Thanks for sharing.