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  1. M

    1 Wet plug

    Had the bike out over the long weekend and my buddy was telling me that he smells gas comming from the exhaust, I too smell it when I start up. I took the plugs off today and 1 is wet fouled, smells like gasoline, the other 3 are fine. Will adjusting the air/fuel mixture screw fix the problem...
  2. M

    Throttle Response

    I work at the Canadian Embassy, just across from the Imperial Palace, and not far from Roppongi area, so do you frequent Tokyo for buisness. 03-3408-6356 Home 03-5412-6408 Work Ron
  3. M

    Throttle Response

    I know I saw a thread about cruising at 4000rpm then crack open the throttle, what gear are you suposed to be in and what are the end results. Thanks, Ron:cheers:
  4. M

    Keyster Carb Kit/beware

    In Carb Capitals defence I received $40.00 back through Pay-Pal, half the cost of the kits, one tenth of what it cost to get the bike fixed. Lesson Learned. Ron:cheers:
  5. M

    Carb syncronizer/manometer choices

    Re: recommend a carb synchronizer I use the Carbtune, good instrument, accurate, easy to use, uses the metal rods. If you look through the carb section you should find lots of other models that are available, as well there is a tread that tells you how to make your own. Ron
  6. M


    Engine Temprature Just got the bike back on the road and since the outside temp has started to drop, I noticed that the needle does not get to the middle hash line when riding. Even in the summer months when I'm on the highway the needle will be below the middle hash mark, if in traffic it...
  7. M

    Keyster Carb Kit/beware

    Well I finally got my bike back from the shop, and it works, had no other choice, just couldn't get the bike to work, turns out that the Keyster kit that I purchased on-line from ebay, the pilot jet, and the needle jet were incorrect, pilot jet had the correct # but was not the proper size...
  8. M

    Carb problems still!

    I checked and all is good, the screw/nut that I made ref to was the brass nut that tightens the enricher, and the brass screw that holds down the part that houses the main jet in the float bowl. Ron
  9. M

    Carb problems still!

    Neil the RPM is steady at 1000rpm, once warmed up, my oil pressure gauge does flutter, I can get the bike to 5000rpm when idling, once I put myself on it and try to ride more so on an incline I cant get pass 3-4000rpm, it hesitates, once the groud levels out it seems to pick up a bit. The rpm...
  10. M

    Carb problems still!

    Just tried some of suggestions everything appears to be ok, the one thing I did notice was the rear left carb is the only one that does not stumble when I screw the air / fuel mixture screw in all the way. what would that mean. Ron
  11. M

    Carb problems still!

    Airbox boots are not hard and not cracked, the bike was running pretty good actually prior to replacing the cracked manifold boots. The bike is a 1988 with 12000 miles. Fuel filter was changed less than 6 months ago.
  12. M

    Carb problems still!

    I checked all the seals they look good, as well I just purchased new carb boots. Anything that can be applied to create a better seal? Ron
  13. M

    Carb problems still!

    Well I had the carbs apart again, cleaned them all out, not that they were dirty, everyting went back where it should, all screws tight etc. still cant get over 3000-4000rpm. I dont know what the freaking problem is, I got good spark on all plugs, compression is good, carbs synced, it just...
  14. M

    Carb problems continued

    Well I took the carbs apart again and found 3 possible problems, 1. the nut on the enricher mech was loose on the one carb that was running very lean 2. The screw on the post that houses the needle located in the float bowl was loose, same carb 3. I found small particals of left over gasket in...
  15. M

    Carb problems continued

    Hey Mark, I took your imperial measurement in one of the threads and converted to metric, only had a metric ruler which converted to 28mm, when checking the float uoside down, cut a piece of cardboard 28mm and slid under the float. As well when I emptied the float an equal amount of fuel came...
  16. M

    Carb problems continued

    Thanks Shawn, but I went to see if that was the case, I removed the spark plug and wire and I have good spark. I then started the bike and felt the cylinder wall and it heated up as quikly as the rest . Not sure and correct me if I'm wrong would that cylinder not be as hot as the others after...
  17. M

    Carb problems continued

    At my wits end with my carb problems. I had them off the bike 4 times now. I went back to stock everything except the slip-ons. Idle is poor, seems like I have to have the screws out +3 for any decent idle or power, even that is a joke, cant get over 4-5000rpm, hesitation, backfire from the...
  18. M

    carb problem/power loss above 3500-4000rpm

    Actually backfire through the exhaust Mark? Ron
  19. M

    carb problem/power loss above 3500-4000rpm

    Hey mark just a quick update, I went back to stock air filter as well as pilot jets, and installed the carbs today. I'm almost at 3 turns out I dont get the hesitation like I did, and I checked the plugs after going for a boot, they look good a greyish color. I do get some back firing now...
  20. M

    carb problem/power loss above 3500-4000rpm

    Just pulled the plugs, all 4 are carbon covered, looks like too rich. I started at 3 turns out like I had the previous set-up, is it possible due to the clean carbs that 3 turns out is way too much. I'll start at 2.3 turns out and go from there. It also took me about 40-60 minutes to sync the...