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  1. richwrench

    Little bunny

    Nailed a dog in '81 on my buddys Kawi 500 triple. The dog did a couple of cartwheels & I damn near laid it down, but somehow we both survived.
  2. richwrench

    When I put left blinker on I get miss in motor

    I vote for clean all the grounds - a poor ground will make the current back-feed through other circuits, sometimes causing strange symptoms. I've corrected a number of "ghost" problems by cleaning/adding grounds. I personally ran an extra ground strap from the battery to the frame of my VMAX in...
  3. richwrench

    Stealership aint so bad after all..

    White Buffalo Racing .com is where I bought my EBC HH. I think Sean can get them also.
  4. richwrench

    T-boost question

    Ditto. Disconnect it, at least for a couple weeks, & see if your problem goes away.
  5. richwrench

    Just Couldn't Stand It!!

    Awesome ! Do we all get to take a spin on it at the next Tech Day? :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
  6. richwrench

    So I went to ride my vmax yesterday, and...

    Mine grabs near the end - replaced the slave & it made no diff. That's just a VMAX clutch. I'm guessing maybe you had some clutch disc's sticking together? If you had air in it , it should not improve by itself. Yes, these clutch's are a bitch to bleed, but once they'e bled they're good to go...
  7. richwrench

    Hell Explained

    Just drag your mouse over it & highlight it - then it's easy to read. I got a kick out of it. :biglaugh:
  8. richwrench

    The new iPhones are here The new iPhones are here!

    rut ro...
  9. richwrench

    The new iPhones are here The new iPhones are here!

    Cool !!! Now if they only used a real network ( can you hear me now? ) it would be AWESOME !! :rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200: Just messin'. Early reviews are quite good. Can you tell who I work for? lol
  10. richwrench

    stock modified mufflers

    I haven't center-punched my mufflers yet because it's not reversible, but one of these days I'm afraid I'll prolly do it jut because it's quick & easy. I'll be working on something & I'll have a hammer in my hand & glance at the bike & I'll say " Just do it!" LOL There's a chance I may get a...
  11. richwrench

    how many vmaxes

    Not sure of the number of 'MAX's made that year, but '90 was a pretty good year. Of course we all know that '96 was by far the best looking & most powerful VMAX of all production years, but who's keeping track?:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
  12. richwrench

    Telemundo Boxeo

    LOL Yes - four-legged are the only one I touch...
  13. richwrench

    Thank you Sean and Chris !!!!

    +1 to what G says ! That's the same way I store my generator between hurricane seasons. It always starts - never had to clean the carb yet. I know you won't be able to ride Ron, but starting it & letting it run for 10 minutes every now & then should surely help. Good luck with your surgery !!!
  14. richwrench

    Telemundo Boxeo

    My dimhouse cable company doesn't have Telemundo anymore.:damn angry: No results posted on the internet yet - I'll have to call Rick later...
  15. richwrench

    Thank you Sean and Chris !!!!

    don't let it set - RIDE that beeoch every day - weather be damned...:biglaugh:
  16. richwrench

    stock modified mufflers

    Hey Grumpy - I have 1/2" holes drilled in mine with the end-caps riveted on with spacers. If you ever want to take it out for a spin, or just compare exhaust sounds, just give me a shout. I'm not too far up the street.
  17. richwrench

    Wide Glide front end

    I have a wide-glide back-rest on my home made sissy bar on my 'MAX. Someone from PinWall had a nasty note about a harley part sold by them being installed on a VMAX , but who cares. I rented a wide-glide several years ago. IMHO it's the best looking harley out there. I think a w-g front end...
  18. richwrench

    Telemundo Boxeo

    Hey all - if you're into boxing, check out the fights tonight on Telemundo. Charlie Serrano ( 122 lbs.) is fighting Sherali Dostiev from Russia. I don't know Sherali, but his #1 sparring partner is Ricky Tomlinson (check him out on Utube). Ricky is one of the guys I hog-hunt with & I'm trying to...
  19. richwrench

    Went to see Johnny Mathis last night

    and here I was worried that "I" was becoming an old fart... :rofl_200: just joking dude - crooners are awesome if you're in the right mood...:punk: